BeAuTiEmArK profile picture


~I WanNa Be?? USe Ur ImaGInaTIoN!!~

About Me

Wouldn't you like to Know!!?? WEll i was born in bk (Brooklyn) raised in CALi. Im outgoing, always down for an adventure, talented, unique, spontaneous. I love to camp, hike, ski, PARRTYAa, club, BEACH BABY, travel, go to my cabin on a lake, DAnce, , water ski anything with water and snow, surf, play every sport i got a Scholorship for sports from a local pimp, , OOoH AwWw. Im very fun to be around i make things happen You'll never be bored with MwAa. I also got most athletic, best eyes , and drama queen in school. I hope you can see the world through my eyEs!! Nobody wants to see it though??? ..
.. ....

My Interests

Get your own countdown at BOys Boys did i say BOYS BEach travel fun fun fun and dancing. I want to see the world wanna! SUnsets and sunrises . Love em. I like to learn different languages, workout, belly dance, hip hop, jazz, tap, Whad about snow angels funn. and to cut barbie dolls hair off cause I'm jealous of white people!! I love snakes TOO!

I'd like to meet:

UmMMm.. Anyone and everyone, Average to tall height blonde, brunett, pale, tan, whatev . preference anything but bkl sorrY! fat, but skinny to medium, tatoos, piercings Nice bod or beer belly and hott outgoing funny nice sweet likes too travel did i say funny. LOVEss TOO PARTTYYA..!


i love all music techno underground jungle classic rock 80's 50's 60's 90'srap punk rock all the good shit!!! original ive gone into it enough


Anyone I dont have to pay to see or if someone else pays for me. i love comedy and scary movies i was raised on scury mooovas. I love wizard of ozz alice and wonder land wait all disney classics umm my boyfriends back secret gardens alfie it's pat april fools day chuckie requirm for a dream etc love all the good ones overbord maid to order animal house porkies porks ETCC


saturday morning cartoons, 1 tree hill desperate house wives allll of comedy central will and grace simpsons love married with children mtv oxygen 4 woman make overs parkers girlfriends some reality show like anything goood on t.y mad tv and snl!!!! I Love Lucy!


ABC123, Dr. Sueuss, Tele Tubbies, anythig with pictures, romance, goosebumps dear god are you their its me margret mystery cant remember the good ones


martin luther king greek goddesses princess diana harriet tubman all the people that ever died for their skin color all slaves and people who fought for my right to party in the USA jfk jr marrilyn manroe james dean betty page sleeping beauty my mama and papi grandparents columbus lincoln sun moon stars without them we wouldnt be hur..