*Bushmama* profile picture


Loctician / Magazine Editor / Americas Next Top Mama

About Me

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Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

Waiting for that golden time of day...listening to something sweet, nibbling on something or someone sweet..dancing in the fire light...praying to the moon...creating something fresh..raising my kids...enjoying the good life!

I'd like to meet:

A Sexy Dancer*A Fabulous Painter*A Good Daydreamer*A Miracle Worker*A Healer*A Soul Searcher*A Body Rocker*A Heart Mender*A True Thick Woman Lover*A Socially Conscious Jesus Freak*A Happy Afropunk*An educated Papi that gets Crunk*A Sassy Mami who likes Funk*((((Meditating on a street in San Francisco))))


My Birthday Mix...


Quilombo, City of God, The Wooden Camera, Black Orpheous, Cubamor, Beat Street, Under The Cherry Moon, The lord of the Rings Trilogy


*Bush TV* Bomba


I love to read...currently reading everything by Octavia Butler...some of my favorite authors...Edwidge Dandicat, Chitra Divakaruni, Bell Hooks, Zora Neal Hurston, Ntozake Shange and J. California Cooper...I read everything they write


Harriet Tubman * Maya Angelo * Marcus Garvey * My Warrior Ancestors *

My Blog

38 is 3+8 = 10= 1 (laughing hard)

Yes I can count silly...I said I was drunk when I wrote this...... A new year of life and its the begining so my elders say....you are at the begining of your spiritual journey omo mi, they say. As I...
Posted by *Bushmama* on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 05:02:00 PST

June(ifications) aka celebrations.....updated!

This month is jammed packed with exciting events....and since its my birthday month its exxxxxtra special...I want gifts!!!!! June 1st "Fresh" at its new location deep in downtown Oakland...with Pam t...
Posted by *Bushmama* on Thu, 29 May 2008 12:38:00 PST

Libra Rising

I've been waiting for you.... you who possesses all that I desire full lips exciting eyes warm brown skin mint scented breath almond eyes exquisite finger tips a wide and luscious tounge a firm and ...
Posted by *Bushmama* on Tue, 13 May 2008 11:45:00 PST

Amid the killing fields.....

Preface: Listening to Erykah yet again and its "master teacher" that has me on one. I know some of you can relate...singing along is just instinctional..it feels good to have like minds in the world. ...
Posted by *Bushmama* on Tue, 13 May 2008 10:07:00 PST

Day in the life...Mothers Day edition

Present 1 I slept pass 8:30 on a weekend day. My preacious son who normally wakes up at 6:30-7:00 every day let his tired mama sleep in. He woke up and turned the tv on himself and used the remote to ...
Posted by *Bushmama* on Mon, 12 May 2008 11:44:00 PST

Sweet Mayhem...events and parties

Highighted words are links that will let you see and know more....endulge! May 9th I won't be at Burning Bush....sorry people I won't be at Burning Bush but I will be at The Kytchen blazing up the dan...
Posted by *Bushmama* on Wed, 07 May 2008 12:32:00 PST

I’m the REAL thing....

You gotta do right by me,its mandatory babySweeter than your favorite ice cream be,bask in my glory babyDon't play no games,that'll ruin thangsAnd make me leave ya,or mistreat ya and youdon't want tha...
Posted by *Bushmama* on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 08:37:00 PST

Spiritually Minded

When you learn new things its only right to share it....as part of my spiritual practice I use a number of tools to live my life according to gods plan...we all were sent here for a reason...and ...
Posted by *Bushmama* on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 11:40:00 PST

A day in the life....

I dare a mothaf*cka to try and be me for a day and live to tell it! 7am I say a prayer and get up to go pee 7:15 do 7 yoga poses and then meditate 7:45 baby crying...I get him a botlle and get his bat...
Posted by *Bushmama* on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 07:56:00 PST

Word is bond...

is not just a catchy line in a old school hip hop song...in Oakland terms that "real talk, cuz". People, in this life our word is all we have. I think some people like myself will only do what we say ...
Posted by *Bushmama* on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 01:38:00 PST