ana profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hello, my name is Ana Krstic and I am an artist. I do mostly sculpture, but I am "mixing" it with conceptual art, I do also short videos, photography and performance. Right now I am finishing my studies at the FFA Belgrade on sculpture dept. Please have a look at my work (in Pics) and leave some comments if you wish. When I am not doing art, wich is about 20% of my time I like to go out,have fun, do stuf... (basicly act as a teenager). ........................................................... I like nature and I am against any polution. ........................................................... When I get really bored again I will do some introduction into my work, so stay tuned!

My Interests

visual art, conceptual art, sculpture,film, video,photogrphy, music, traveling, haveing fun, nudism, lots of money, enviroment, animal and human rights, peaceful coexitence...

I'd like to meet:

I like bands, but I like people more. :) So see ya! ........................................................ And , I am straight and single and I don't smoke, but I do drink a little bit. ........................................................Izvi njavam se prijateljima sa srpskog govornog podrucja, mrzi me da kucam sve isto na srpskom.


mostly jazz and rock, reggae , electronic, I don't know , lots of great music...go to :


Altman, Almodovar, Antonioni, Pasolini,Felini, Bertoluci NOT, Oson, Bergman, Kurosava, Tarkowski, Spike lee, Mike Lee , Ang Lee, John Waters, Winterbotom, Lynch, Jarmush, Cronenberg...Von Trier, Goran Markovic, Zivojin Pavlovic, Dusan Makavejev , Zelimir Zilnik , Rajko romanian movies, japanese and corean , anime ...boliwood, Woody Alen...Tinto yeah, and some good old porns.


Southpark ,Cartoon network, Samourai Jack!!! Dexter ...Grim adventures of... and History chanel, but anyway I am against tv!


Right now books of Viktor Peljevin, I srongly recomend!


Honest and decent people.

My Blog


     Do nedavno sam se pitala ko uopste pise  blogove i ko ih tek cita, mislila sam , eto kako ima besposlenih ljudi, i koliko ima onih koji misle da imaju nesto pametno da iz...
Posted by ana on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 08:01:00 PST

Sta treba znati kada se ide u galeriju

     Glavna stvar koju treba da znate kada prolazite pored neke galerije u gradu je da je ulaz besplatan. To vazi za sve galerije u Beogradu kao i za neke muzeje. Na primer Muzej S...
Posted by ana on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 12:08:00 PST

Plasticne kese

     Dragi prijatelji, sadasnji i buduci, nemojte nikada bacati zdravu  i chitavu plasticnu kesu u smece, bolje je ispraznite i sacuvajte. Mozete istu kesu koristiti bar dvade...
Posted by ana on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 02:48:00 PST