Skating Vert; Snowboarding without breaking anything; Fixing an old Dodge and gease up to my elbows; a long bath at home after living in Iraq for a year; 800mg Ibuprofen daily suppliments; Young Punks from and old punk's perspective; a Coke, a can of worms, a Sweet cassette and a fishing pole at Diamond Lake, bullshitting about yesterdays with old pals over a nice lager or pils; a well sung classic Irish folk song or American standard; the femanine form from head to toe and the ability to showcase it/female attractiveness, faith (not religion), heart over mind...
too much time too think and get into my head. someone...with some guts, brains, wit....and oh maybe be...sort of...i...don't ...urgh...
I like to rock...punk is best... We owe the blues and classic soul... analog music beats digital any day and twice on sunday. I can stomach most genres... Not: Mainstream Country and Western c.1968-present; Over synthecised anything; Dance music that is really fast; Classical; anything that is so political that the music comes second; hippy misic of all kinds; etc... I hate the Doors...
Dogtown and Z-Boyz, Animal House, Bullit, the Field, Black Hawk Down, Escape From Alcatraz, The Shining, The Dirty Dozen, Matewan, Last Exit to Brooklyn, How Green Was My Valley, Saving Private Ryan, Breaker Morant, The Molly Maguires, the Quiet Man, Open Range, Another State of Mind, A Bridge too Far, The Great Escape, the Star Wars Movies, Indiana Jones Movies, and the Cinderella Man... too many others....
History Channel crap. Some reality TV is funny because people really are that lame quite a lot of the time... I like Law and Order and some of the Crime flicks. Re-runs of Gunsmoke and the Cisco Kid take me back to childhood when they played that stuff on sunday before Family Classics on WGN...
Lawrence of Arabia; FM 3.22, Rifle Marksmanship; Recollections of an Irish Rebel by John Devoy, Guerilla Days in Ireland by LTC Tom Barry, Steel my Soldier's Heart by LTC(R) David Hackworth, the Boer War by Thomas Pakingham... I read primarily for professional reasons.
My Dad and other Forefathers and mothers; Fellow soldiers; Teachers, Lawyers, Conservation Officers and Forest Service types, Paramedics and First responder Types, and Fire Fighters cause fire is a real killer. Basically anyone who has chosen a life of service over private life and is doing it for the express purpose of bettering the community (be it international, national, state or local). Most folks pay lip service to the ideals of selfless-service and loyalty to the community. Real public servants are a gift to everyone... and they are rare. PS. Don't ask me to say I dig Cops, Pigs, Screws or the Fuzz ... I still skate.