Miss Susie Queue profile picture

Miss Susie Queue

la brune

About Me

a V4.1

My Interests

art. music. design. film. painting. video creating. collage making. getting completely carried away. émile coué and his optimistic autosuggestion. GODARD. SERGE. miranda july. francophilia. semiotics. fashion. illustration. nostalgia. documentaries. bidoun mag. self service mag. scopitones. thinking about buying furniture. dancing. laughing. staying out all night.


i LOVE making mixes. i listen to a lot of 60s french music, but not exclusively. lately i'm listening to a lot of french/british post punk + new wave. i also love last.fm.


directors i like: godard, antonioni, bergman, felini, truffaut, gondry, wes anderson. i also love anchorman but i don't know who directed it. still, i felt it deserved to be mentioned in this little section. my detailed film list is available upon request.


the poems of forough farroukhzad, picture of dorian gray, anna karenina, franny and zooey. it makes me pretty happy when the book i'm reading looks good with the outfit i'm wearing. that's why i bought 'no one belongs here more than you' in yellow.


i heart serge. particularly during the jane birkin years.