Julie [puts words between brackets] profile picture

Julie [puts words between brackets]

Ooh baby, baby it's a wild world....

About Me

First off, this is not me. This is a clown. Secondly, this clown is NOT barfing. He is simply sucking rainbows out of a magical toilet bowl. Thank you. That is all.
I know the secret of life. It is as follows. Step 1: Crawl out of primordial ooze. Step 2: Select a mate. Step 3: Participate in reproductive activities with said mate. Step 4: Repeat as needed. Yep, boys and girls, THAT'S where babies come from. And while I have your attention.... forget what your mothers told you... because strangers have the best candy and the oven IS a toy! A really really fun one!
So about me? Well, I'm the biggest mess of contradictions you'll ever meet. I'm quiet. Loud. Harmless. Dangerous. Intellectual. Stupid. Poetic. Blunt. Morbid. Cheerful. And probably statically charged. I get shocked a lot. Dammit.
I was born in a manjor to a virgin named Mary. Wait a sec... that wasn't me... that was Jesus. But I can still walk on water. Then I turn it into wine. I'm a bum's wet dream.
Hi, my name is Julie. I'm 21. My myspace only says I'm 22 because I lie and fake my birthday a lot - There is nothing (and no one hehe) I won't do for free cake!!!I can probably burp louder than anyone you've ever met (especially after that free cake). The ground shakes. I cause earthquakes with my belches! =)
I'm always late. I hate routine. I stop the microwave with 2 seconds left every time I heat something. I've never broken a bone in my body. I had chicken pox twice. I laugh for no reason. I never read the instructions.... but I should. I shave my big toe because it gets hairy. And I want to be a detective whenever I watch cop movies...
I go to Uarts in Philadelphia for Screenwriting with a minor in Film. I love the city, but I've learned not to touch things in the elevators here as there is a good chance they have been urinated on.
With that being said, here are a few words of wisdom that I have learned while living here...
In Philadelphia, if it looks like a duck... and quacks like a duck... it's probably a bum with herpes of the mouth who will try to give you a great big kiss. Pucker up bitches! Be careful!
Hey, here's a few more words of wisdom from me to you... !!
Karma: (noun) The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny.
What goes around, comes around. So please don't spit in my fries at Burger King for if you choose to do so... it's only a matter of time before someone urinates, ejaculates, and/or deficates on your head. In lamen's terms: You will, I repeat you WILL get shat on!
I will now share one last bit of wisdom! Damn, I'm smart...
...Or at least poke holes in it so you can breathe. Seriously... suffocation doesn't sound at all fun. I like breathing, dammit.
Despite my obviously brilliant nature, there are a lot of things about this world that I just don't understand. Like why people can't just get along. Everyone wants to voice their opinions and be heard... but no one seems to ever want to listen. Freedom of speech bitches!!! It's not a matter of watching what you say. But rather a matter of respect. Respect for others, their opinions, and their right to have them. So go ahead.... march to the beat of your own drum.... just don't drown out the sound of my ukulele...
So welcome. Come on in. Sit down. Relax. Stay a bit. Partake in this sattire of deep thoughts, witty humor, and often incoherant ramblings.... all rolled into one big ball of cool. =)
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My Interests

"I see the world... just not as you see it."

I am: Offbeat. Random. Quirky. Passionate. Friendly. Fun. Adventurous. Troublesome. Red haired. Green eyed. Blah blah blah. *insert adjective here.* I am ME, motherfucker.

I like: Writing. Film-making. Stand Up Comedy. Wendy's 99 cent menu. Skateboarding. Pranks. Photography. Using paper and plastic products so I never have to wash dishes. Music. Drums. Rocking out. Philosophy. Slurpees (from 7-elevens. not from people's pants ya freaks). Baseball. Basketball. Wet Willies (giving not so much recieving). Internet piracy. Cable Theft. Singing loud and out of key. Randomness. Poetry slams. Funny accents. Social Awkwardness. Movie nights. Cartoons. Adult Swim. Comics. Dark Humor. Snowball fights. Reading books. Dr. Mario. Pop tarts. Road Trips. Adventures. Conversation. Autumn Days. Summer nights. Daydreams. Optimism. Sexual Inuendo. Dirty Jokes. DIY. Tattoos. Politics. Trying to cook. Horror. Occult. Frisbee. Animals. Poker. Sticking things up my nose. Halloween. Wheelchair races. When my cat plays fetch. Snowboarding. Psychology. Cactuses (Cacti?). Weekends. Coffee. Video games. Martial Arts. Rollar Coasters. Energy. Erasable pen. Flexible straws. Free food. Camping. Nature. Getting Lost. Board games. Creativity. Originality. Imagination. Middle fingers. Barking at strangers. Good smells. Intelligence. Sarcasm. Wit. Travel. Boogers. Belly button lint. Humor. Mix Tapes. Art. Drawing. Painting. Grafitti. Imitation Dr Pepper products that are much cheaper yet taste the same anyways, such as Dr Thunder or Mr Pibb. Serendpity. Luck. Karma. Hidden meanings. Illusions. Surprise endings. Using the phone irresponsibly. Pudding.

I'd like to meet:

Meatwad... whom despite being a poorly animated paraplegic chunk of meat... is pretty damn cool.


The Soundtrack Of My Life:

Deftones, Bright Eyes, Neutral Milk Hotel, TV On The Radio, Billy Talent, The Distillers, Blonde Redhead, The Decemberists, The Flaming Lips, Alkaline Trio, Beirut, Gym Class Heros, The Arcade Fire, The Killers, White Stripes, Citizen Cope, The Clash, Dead Kennedys, Sage Francis, The New Pornographers, Kings Of Convenience, Breaking Benjamin, Morcheeba, Modest Mouse, Tegan And Sara, System Of A Down, Rocco Deluca & The Burden, Clap Your Hands And Say Yeah, Jane's Addiction, From Autumn To Ashes, We Are Scientists, Minus The Bear, The Matches, The Zutons, Hinder, Jay-Z, The Roots, Camera Obscura, Placebo, The Moldy Peaches, Smashing Pumpkins, Aesop Rock, The Pixies, Jimmie's Chicken Shack, Soul Coughing, Gnarls Barkley, Cat Stevens, Blue October, Styles Of Beyond, Thursday, Hot Hot Heat, Lacuna Coil, The Smiths, Sublime, Flyleaf, Marilyn Manson, AFI, The Ordinary Boys, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Incubus, Gorillaz, Lupe Fiasco, The Mars Volta, The Postal Service, Gary Jules, Nine Inch Nails, Snow Patrol, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Finch, Coheed and Cambria, Alanis Morrisette, Harvey Danger, The 69 Eyes, The Transplants, Garbage, Team Sleep, Plain White T's, Reggie and the Full Effect, Nirvana, Bloodhoung Gang, Flickerstick, Tokyo Rose, Brand New, Onelinedrawing, Jack Off Jill, Fiona Apple, Lost Prophets, The Get Up Kids, Zolof The Rock & Roll Destroyer, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Glassjaw, Regina Spektor, Handsome Boy Modeling School, Alice In Chains, The Vandals, Operation Ivy.... holy fuck, that's a lot... someone get the keyboard away from me...


An Alternative To Reality:
SLC Punk!, Kill Bill, Living In Oblivion, Ghost World, Clerks, Chasing Amy, Battle Royale, Pulp Fiction, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Haggard, Waking Life, Lucky Number Slevin, I Heart Huckabees, Harold and Maude, Napolean Dynamite, Swingers, Empire Records, Rushmore, The Lady Killers, Gummo, The Truman Show, Donnie Darko, The Royal Tennenbaums, American History X, Anchorman, Better Luck Tomorrow, Adaptation, Hero, Trainspotting, The Count Of Monte Cristo, Dude Where's My Car?, Full Metal Jacket, Edward Scissorhands, Taxi Driver, Office Space, Drop Dead Fred, The Negotiator, Saved!, How To Deal, A Walk To Remember, Stranger Than Fiction, Life Or Something Like It, Shaun Of The Dead, Sphere, Sid And Nancy, Bringing Down The House, Lonesome Jim, Loser, The Squid and the Whale, The Departed, Running With Scissors, Little Miss Sunshine, Identity, Finding Forrester, Ferris Bueler's Day Off, Mean Girls, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Do The Right Thing, Dead Poets' Society, Harold And Kumar Go To White Castle, Serendipity, So I Married An Axe Murderer, Heavyweights, South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut, American Beauty, Girl Interrupted, 28 Days Later, Hide And Seek, Cruel Intentions, Hardball, Half Baked, Fight Club, The Butterfly Effect, Garage Days, Reservoir Dogs, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Thirteen, The Village, The Breakfast Club, Ghostbusters, Go, Interview With The Vampire, Sin City, Sideways, Lost In Translation, Broken Flowers, Requiem For A Dream, The Goonies


On The Boob Tube!:

The Office, Arrested Development, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Family Guy, Futurama, Nip/Tuck, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Heroes, House, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Scrubs, Pete And Pete, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Gilmore Girls, Simpsons, The Tom Green Show, Salute Your Shorts,Reno 911, Naruto, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Rocko's Modern Life, Boy Meets World, Viva La Bam, Lost, Law and Order, Freaks and Geeks, Kyle XY, Daria, Clone High, Chappelle's Show, Roseanne, South Park, Everybody Loves Raymond, Seinfeld, Invader Zim, VH1 Specials, Being Bobby Brown (half hour brackets of crack-induced hilarity!)


Words That Paint A Picture:

-Freakanomics- -The Perks Of Being A Wallflower- -A Clockwork Orange- -Brave New World- -Sex, Drugs, And Cocoa Puffs- -Dress Your Family In Corduroy And Denim- -Less Than Zero- -Code Of The Samurai- -Hairstyles Of The Damned- -Cat's Cradle- -Fear And Loating In Las Vegas- -She's Come Undone- -Animal Farm- -The Canterbury Tales- -The Catcher In The Rye- -Tales Of A Punk Rock Nothing- -Angels And Demons- -Da Vinci Code- -Diary- -Invisible Monsters- -The Unthinkable Thoughts Of Jacob Green- -Edgar Allen Poe's poetry and drunken tales...-


Those I look up to... literally... it's tough being 5 feet...:

Dane Cook for his pickle humor, Sam Jackson for being so insanely badass, Brandon Dicamillo for passing sheep off as lawn mowers, Pope John Paul II for lending a helping hand wherever he could... and not in his pants... can pope's even masturbate anyways!?, the guy who invented chocolate pudding, and Bill Cosby for helping to promote and distribute chocolate pudding to the masses

and this guy...

My Blog


So, the deal is this: I get free food at Paolo's Pizzeria if I get a tatoo on my forearm of the Paolo's logo (a rather robust Italian man in a funny hat) and text that reads "Paolo's - best pizza in P...
Posted by Julie [puts words between brackets] on Mon, 14 May 2007 09:15:00 PST

The other day...

The other day, I was walking down the street when a man yelled to me "Don't hide it! Baby, divide it!" I am unsure as to whether he wanted me to spread my legs or do math fractions......
Posted by Julie [puts words between brackets] on Mon, 07 May 2007 05:30:00 PST

A box for your box and I'm going to Chicago...

zenikki28: i mean, i need a good box smashing daily. CudlyBear0fDeath: haha i prefer twice a day for my box smashings.... which actually happens if we're talking mailboxes instead of vaginas.... thos...
Posted by Julie [puts words between brackets] on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 06:36:00 PST

Is it still true?

Is it still true that what goes up must come down now that men have viagra to use??? Though I guess they have had it to use for several years now. Still, I imagine it gets more potent with time. ...
Posted by Julie [puts words between brackets] on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 10:22:00 PST

The art of the shart !

I just discovered the meaning of the word 'shart' and is has instantly become one of my favorites. Yes, it's true.... sharting has won my heart.... just as long as no one does it near me and said shar...
Posted by Julie [puts words between brackets] on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 08:15:00 PST

Dick's mom got lit on fire.... again!

Apparently by the same people who set her ablaze last time. They hid in bushes and waited for her to come out of the house. Then BAM!!! Poor, poor Maureen....
Posted by Julie [puts words between brackets] on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 11:15:00 PST

Dick's mom got lit on fire....

And my crotch may or may not be involved..... CudlyBear0fDeath: so word on the street is dick's mom got lit on fire? hahahaBrianF0087:  hahahaha yeaBrianF0087:  someone was looking for his s...
Posted by Julie [puts words between brackets] on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 08:53:00 PST

Ho ho ho!

When Santa says "ho ho ho", he is not sending you holiday greetings, he is just calling you a slut three times in a row!  Sorry to ruin Christmas, but I just thought you should know the truth abo...
Posted by Julie [puts words between brackets] on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 12:20:00 PST

My photography!

Pictures I took around the city last week:  ...
Posted by Julie [puts words between brackets] on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 11:17:00 PST

when did intentionally mispelling the word "come" to form sexual inuendo beCUM a hobby for me!?

aerocrow: !!!!! a new Die Hard movie will be coming out... and I just watched the Trailer for it!!!CudlyBear0fDeath: haha die hard..... a necrophilac's dream CUM true And then I was provided with few ...
Posted by Julie [puts words between brackets] on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 06:56:00 PST