Member Since: 6/12/2005
Band Members:
Liquidirt Guitars and vocals.
Dr Rythm Drum Machine
VG- Bass
Sue me for saying the obvious thing to the oblivious ones.
Visit some of the best musicians on the net. VSPLANET.COM
You need to go and listen to this girl, Nicky Alrica.
Click on the banner above to see and hear more from her!
She is amazing to say the least!!
Click the Liquidirt star for another MP3.
Click the pic to see my old band mates from Sachi!
The Key Club in Hollywood
I miss my old bandmates!
Check the Band on Myspace by clicking the pic, tell em hi! ..
Influences: I have been influenced by a bazzilion musicians. Here is a small list. Yngwie Malmstien, Joe Satrioni, Eddie Van Halen, Bill Monroe, Stanely Jordan, Eric Johnson. Rolf G Riley, Stevie Ray Vauhn, Jimi Hendrix, Ted Nugent, Jimmy Page, Zakk Wild, Randy Rhodes, George Benson, BB King, Eric Clapton and the list goes on and on. I just love good music.
Audio Village
Sounds Like: Sound like? Music? Rock? Eighties? Underground?
Record Label: Muddy Records
Type of Label: None