Computer games, reading (a lot, lol), internet (else i wouldn't really be here would i?) and tabletop wargaming (yes, i'm a geek, lmao)
I don't know really, I guess i'm not keen on complete randoms from across the country adding me out of the blue, msg me first :-P if u do start to bug me i'll just block you ;-)But no bands, whats the deal with random DJ's and R&B acts adding me when clearly i have taste and won't like them, grrrrAnd just because i'm from Rugby doesn't mean that i like the sport. Nor does it mean i'll have anything in common with you moronic rugby players from america who add me without even a hi, so no, i won't add you back, i will merely pitty you and if you start to bug me by adding me multiple times i'll just mock your lack of genitalia before blocking you...i may be high on pain killers as i write
Loads of stuff, i love within temptation, lacuna coil etc (tho i'm not a big fan of Nightwish for some reason :S) but i also love Michelle Branche and listen to Avril Lavigne a lot *ducks to avoid head shots*
Spiderman (1 and 2), Matrix (just the first, the 2nd and 3rd were/are shite :p), Butterfly effect...I guess i like films about self sacrifice in one way or another, must be the self-destructive emo in me, lol
Atm i'm keeping up with the new series of ER and supernatural. I watch the Simpsons if its on tho i've seen most so i don't rush home to see it.
The only books I've read more than once and enjoyed are the Eisonhorn trilogy by Dan Abnett, tho i must say i wasn't as impressed by the Ravenor novels that followed on :(I also like Ian Irvine's more recent stuff, tho so that it makes more sense i'm reading his older stuff too.