-C*h*í*N*o- profile picture


unpRedictable babeh

About Me

fiRst name: CHiNO !!! im for reAL aiNt coPyiNg no1 i am who i am HAte poSeRs, friEnds calL me lOt of fUnNy namEs whicH is cOOl im fine with that(no neEd to MenTion) cHi foR sHort. im shy pERson u miGht find me vEry quite persON duNNo wats goin on but onCe u know u aiGht with it..., i love pReTtY gurls and i loVe 2 eAt and i am very very kind, loVE chocolates mentioning REESE and kiSSes, loVe to get dreSS and go ouT and teLL me whEre's thE parTE, loVE caRs,love mAH cloTHES,jackets, mah heaDclothes, loVE muSic, meet nEw peoPLE neW faCes taLK SHARE moMENTS talk about liFe, loVe spOrts i do misS sOcCer, BadMinton ,basketball and swImmIng for now, loVe my PS2, onLINE gaMES, suRF the nEt, ....loVe 2 daNce a simPle harLEm wiLL do i aiNt goNna brEakDaNce and BreAk my bOneS duNno how =(, bar hop at greEnbeLt,Q.C , malaTe and eTc... hangoUt at G4, grEenHiLLs, geT HoMe late, HANgout aT frIEnds cRib tiLL sUn riSe uP...their their that's all i can say LiL ol' mE noBle bah!?hehehe at PiNOY AKO!!!
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