IvE ALrEadY MeT hIm.. KENNETH DE LEON.. LuV U BoO!!=]Well, friends=] that's it=]
aLtErNaTiVe, JaZz, RnB, RoCk, tEcHnO.. but at present, im into frank sinatra and bing crosby.. i know it sounds weird, but hey, i can do everything i want.. i dont want to limit myself to the standards of some people.. stupid hypocrites!
tHe NoTEbOoK, KiLL BiLL vOL. I&II, CoNfEsSiOnS oF A tEeNaGe dRaMa qUeEn, cApT. CoReLLi's mAnDoLiN.. ThE gOdFaThEr I, II&III.. CaTcH mE iF U CaN, ThE LaSt SaMuRaI.. mOnA lIsA SmILe, GoNe iN 60 SeCoNdS, 2 fAsT 2 fUrIOuS..*fOrGoT sOmE oF 'Em*Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com
*sMaLLvILLe*mALCoLm iN ThE MidLE*AmAzInG rAcE*sUrViVoR*sPoNgEbOb SqUaRepAnTs*ThE WiLd tHoRnBeRriEs*LiZzIe McGuIrE*ToTaLLy sPiEs*aNgEl*JaKe 2.0*FaStLaNe*
*tUeSdAyS wItH mOrRiE*ThE aLcHeMiSt*By tHe rIvEr PiEdRa i sAt DoWn And wEpT*vErOnIcA DeCiDeS tO DiE*ThE PuRpOsE dRiVeN LiFe*cAtcHeR In tHe ryE*tHE LiTtlE pRiNcE*cOnFeSsIOnS oF a sHoPaHoLiC*pRiNcEsS dIaRIeS*
Bob Sinclair - 12558
Music Video Codes By: ..Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com