camille profile picture


yeah yeah.. add my friendster account------ [email protected] --------- tnx!!

About Me

Myspace For Girls Only -*CAMILLE*

*loves cats
*loves the color pink
*crazy bout shopping
*loves to eat
*loves tofi luk
*Nine west
*People are people
*has a purple room
*has a thing for rock bands
*loves sPoNgEbOb
*ToM wELLiNg
*wishing to own an i-pod=] (Dear God, please grant my wish..=])

I cant think of anything else, but from what others tell me im a simple person, loves to laugh, really loud when comfortable with someone im with, loves to hangout and do nothing, loves to sleep, loves to lounge, loves to sing though the song doesnt love me=] *wink* loves to eat, can have fun in a clean way..=]

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

IvE ALrEadY MeT hIm.. KENNETH DE LEON.. LuV U BoO!!=]Well, friends=] that's it=]


aLtErNaTiVe, JaZz, RnB, RoCk, tEcHnO.. but at present, im into frank sinatra and bing crosby.. i know it sounds weird, but hey, i can do everything i want.. i dont want to limit myself to the standards of some people.. stupid hypocrites!


tHe NoTEbOoK, KiLL BiLL vOL. I&II, CoNfEsSiOnS oF A tEeNaGe dRaMa qUeEn, cApT. CoReLLi's mAnDoLiN.. ThE gOdFaThEr I, II&III.. CaTcH mE iF U CaN, ThE LaSt SaMuRaI.. mOnA lIsA SmILe, GoNe iN 60 SeCoNdS, 2 fAsT 2 fUrIOuS..*fOrGoT sOmE oF 'Em*Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com


*sMaLLvILLe*mALCoLm iN ThE MidLE*AmAzInG rAcE*sUrViVoR*sPoNgEbOb SqUaRepAnTs*ThE WiLd tHoRnBeRriEs*LiZzIe McGuIrE*ToTaLLy sPiEs*aNgEl*JaKe 2.0*FaStLaNe*


*tUeSdAyS wItH mOrRiE*ThE aLcHeMiSt*By tHe rIvEr PiEdRa i sAt DoWn And wEpT*vErOnIcA DeCiDeS tO DiE*ThE PuRpOsE dRiVeN LiFe*cAtcHeR In tHe ryE*tHE LiTtlE pRiNcE*cOnFeSsIOnS oF a sHoPaHoLiC*pRiNcEsS dIaRIeS*


Bob Sinclair - 12558

Music Video Codes By: ..Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com