BAM! profile picture


I have a sister in Egypt who lives in a pyramid

About Me

from me, in the land of the long white cloud, to you...

"Kapala", mixed media on canvas

"Blood Red", mixed media on canvas

"When you are right you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong you cannot be too conservative."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Footprints, 1", mixed media on linen


"Heartbreak Amerika", mixed media on linen

To see some others view my pics...

My Interests



"From Toling to Tsaparang", mixed media on canvas

"I have a soft spot for secret passageways, bookshelves that open into silence, staircases that go down into a void, and hidden safes. I even have (them) myself, but I won't tell you where. At the other end of the spectrum are statistics which I hate with all my heart."

"Skeleton Lord of Tashi Do", mixed media on canvas

"Dare to be naïve.

'Reality' should always be in quotes."

~ Buckminster Fuller

the sun doesn’t stay
now that it's lost its way
and the moon doesn’t
give rise to dreaming.

with hours cast aside
now a wanderer’s guide
laid a spell on the hand
it was holding.

in the room that is shaded
the dust wouldn’t bloom
though the solitary
wallpaper’s watered.

and when no said its no
there was no where to go
save the shell of
an oyster that saved it.

no one is willing
to admit of killing
the heart skipping beats
by the wayside.

now who is a lover,
now who is a friend,
when the heart that once played
is stone silent?

the sun could not know
and the moon dares not show
its beam to the
path of unknowing.

"Ngari Panchen", acrylic on clay

"Atisha's Pillar"/ diptych, sepia study, mixed media on canvas

my artwork is scattered around the globe.
if you know where a piece is, or have one, please help me get a visual record of it.

send me a good jpeg if it's a 2D or 3D piece.
or, if you have one of my photographs, please send me a good scan...

All Rights to Paintings / Photographs / Writings
BAM! / 2008 (unless otherwise cited)

thank you for visiting & check out my other sites:

I'd like to meet:

PLEASE CREDIT THE ARTIST, unless it is your own...
Except for that in the Public Domain.
ALWAYS give attribution, please.


nouvelle vague with me .... from bande a part


'Spiral Conch Study", mixed media on canvas


"As stars, a fault of vision, as a lamp,
A mock show, dewdrops, or a bubble,
A dream, a lightning flash, or cloud,
So should one view what is conditioned."


Translation of Khenpo Appey’s Root Lama’s Verse
Mara recognised and abandoned is conducive to dharma.
Mara known as one’s own mind is an assistant on the path.
Mara seen as Dharmata is the essential point of the view.
Mara taken up as a blessing is the pith instruction.
If you recognise the obstacles to
your spiritual practice and abandon them
this will create an environment conducive
to your becoming a spiritual person.
If you come to know that those very obstacles you face
are nothing other than your own mind,
then this will assist you
in your spiritual development.
If you see that the obstacles, while appearing,
are intrinsically empty of self existence,
this is the correct view.
The pith instruction is that
by the power of your realisation
you should make
the obstacles a blessing.
"Now What?" (detail), mixed media on wood
"He looked at his own Soul
with a Telescope. What seemed
all irregular, he saw and
shewed to be beautiful
Constellations; and he added
to the Consciousness hidden
worlds within worlds.
...Coleridge, 'Notebooks'
I'm currently reading:
"Memories, Dreams, Reflection" (C.G. Jung)
"Earth, Ocean, Sky" (A.W. Reed & Ross Calman)
"Glenn Gould, The Ecstacy & Tragedy of Genius" P.F. Ostwald)
"Wrestling with the Angel - a life of janet frame" (Michael King)
"Brief 36 - NZ Music Issue" (eds. Brett Cross / Bill Direen)


The Great Immeasurables: The 41st SAKYA TRIZIN / Agents of Change / Barack Obama.

My Blog

From a Child

within your womb for nine monthsi lay in a dreamless stateas you slept in wonderment, seekingto interpret what might become.attendants pressed upon youas i emerged through a fragrant lotus.mustering ...
Posted by BAM! on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 11:47:00 PST

first snow

do you see the snow upon me,the butcher maiden carrying the flask?adopting my posture you proceeddownwards, your arcane mutteringsmarking my body with your mind.looking for some carnal expressionyou o...
Posted by BAM! on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 11:02:00 PST

the sun mustn't stay

the sun mustnt stay now that it..'s lost its wayand the moon doesnt give rise to dreaming.with hours cast asidenow a wanderers guidelaid a spell on the handit was the room that is shaded...
Posted by BAM! on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 04:37:00 PST


(1) From the Shining Moon of UranusOn the empty streets, Ariel wondered what could come of it? She fumbled in the cold with her buttons, and looked up again into the night sky, only able to see the ic...
Posted by BAM! on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 02:41:00 PST


(C) / 2008
Posted by BAM! on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 12:37:00 PST

there you are, father, in the bardo

ariel discovered last night that her own father had passed away, sitting numbly at the keyboard. finding this life-altering factoid ..'on line..' certainly meant the source was reliable. the obituar...
Posted by BAM! on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 12:15:00 PST

Sir Edmund Hillary

Sir Edmund Hillary 1919-2008 (C) / 2008The New Zealander most admired by New Zealanders, who best embodied ..'the spirit and essence..' of our country. What he called an ..'ordinary life..' was in ac...
Posted by BAM! on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 03:59:00 PST

road from herat

 from within the crevicea face peers out, looking forempty bells on horses....' saddlesrattling and riding mounts.the sound of sleighbells inthe desert of death, warmed onlyby 150 degree coca cola bot...
Posted by BAM! on Sun, 06 May 2007 03:45:00 PST

H.H. Sakya Trizin’s Birthday: Long Life Wishes from BAM!

In honour of H.H. Sakya Trizin's birthday today, I post a very brief excerpt from an interview (Cambridge, Mass., 1981):"Q. How should we understand Emptiness?A. Emptiness is actually only a name. It ...
Posted by BAM! on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 04:27:00 PST

BRIEF HISTORY OF THE POTALA Tsering Ngodup & BAM! (a switch from fiction to fact)

The Centre of Heaven, Roof, and Heart of the WorldHistoric Significance and Geographic Position In Lhasa, Tibet, stands the the world-renowned architectural wonder known to us as the Potala Palace. ...
Posted by BAM! on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 07:20:00 PST