I like all kinds of music, new age, electronic, opera, alternative, techno, ambient especially, space music. I don't like sports much, maybe only occasional hockey game viewing during the season. I am an ocean person, being italian. I like chocolate, no in fact, I love chocolate. I love roses and I love collecting friends who are worthwhile, just like a bunch of roses. I am a faithful friend and can always use more friends to see me through!
Someone who is from the USA, someone over 40 who has an open mind, someone who is happy with who he is, who is cool. Ultimately I gravitate towards Caucasian cleanshaven sweet guys with killer blue eyes. But, short of that, someone over 40 who doesn't resemble a bear and who is musical, creative and has a job of some sort, will do for now. Oh, also, not a married idiot!
Oops, already mentioned that music thing. Plus, I am a singer. I was born to be a backup singer down in LA, but it never happened. Now I sometimes sing in the church, oh well.
WBchannel, Smallville, ER, sappy shows for pure entertainment. I like fantasy and futuristic themes. Comedies are refreshing when I'm down and also I can always look at my son to make me laugh because he always says someone should be dressing me, because I can't. He's such a sweetie!!!!
my mom, , my dad, my son William Daniel, Jesus