About Me
After being born, I took some time to learn to play musical instruments - I had a terrible headache!***************************************************
************************Once I learned to play many instruments, I soon learned which ones I hadn't learned to play well despite spending a long time learning them.*******************************************************
********************Following on from all this learning, I decided to teach myself a really good lesson in self survival - no, not at the top of Everest, but at music college. Survival was an important lesson and so was music every now and then.......or at least that's what it felt like! I was never cut out to be a music teacher, I only wanted to play music, so I became an instrumental teacher instead mmmmm. It is my strong belief that teachers are born, not created - a bit like musicians. You can take a horse to water etc. My dad was a terrific teacher, but then it would be quite difficult to hear what he was saying, over the shrill of the bagpipes! He developed a penchant for sign language, something I believe he learned during his early school days!*******************************************************
********************I spent four years at college all told, and I loved it so much latterly that I did not want to leave! I had a fantastic piano tutor who had enough enthusiasm and dedication to her job, that I feel I carried that with me over the years, and I can still hear her now - calling me a philistine because I said I didn't like Mozart, I preferred the dark forces of Beethoven, I was just young, em - and I still am - or at least, wish I was - oh to live it all again, to take the chances in life, to use them properly and not throw them away like a discarded chip paper, with the thought that you have plenty time on your hands because you don't! Life is short, much shorter than you think so my message to everyone is cherish the moment - take it with both hands and don't let go............then the crows feet appear one day, and denial is born to another dreamer. If only i had.........what if I hadn't.........why did I not.....****************************************************
***********************Pontification is good for the soul! Moving swiftly on - piano was my stalwart, the rest stemmed from that area. I gigged with original bands - I played in piano bars and social clubs, I backed cabaret, some famous some not so famous and some downright infamous!
It was all an experience, some of it serious, some of it laughable and some stretched me to my limit. 'Hey - you on keys? Good - here's your music.' He handed me a sheet of music that had done 30 rounds with Mike Tyson. I could see the audience where there should have been little black dots and it was in F sharp minor moving through two key changes. I should have been awarded a George Cross for bravery in the face of adversity. I had five minutes between getting the 'notes' and scaling my way up a broken staircase at the back of the stage. I wasn't a religious person, but I usually was on a Saturday night around 9pm for 45 minutes.
Today I have reached a point in my life where I can dedicate as much or as little time as I wish, to experimenting and producing new music in various forms. I will eventually concentrate on one genre, but for the moment, I'm having fun.........after all, life's too short, and so am I!
Just before you doze off.......I would like to redirect you to another myspace page, so that you can take in the sounds of the Cut Outs! They are a brilliant three piece band based in London, I happen to know the drummer quite well, she's Scottish I believe - they're rising steadily amid the gloom, or is it just the usual smog? I went down to London last year to see them play, and I couldn't believe the pollution levels! I thought everyone used smokeless fuels and flueless cars or gassless fuels and clueless har- or did i dream that bit?..........www.myspace/thecutoutsband