Vincent profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

About my dog: This New York born puppy was rescued in Humboldt County. He is my best companion and the rewards of owning a dog like this grow every day. This dog will be an ambassador for the breed, knowing nothing but love all dogs can be this sweet, he makes raising a puppy seem easy, he loves long naps, extra long walks and the sound of my didgeridoo’s.Me: I’ve missed lots of music because of this little pup, and this myspace stuff is probably the best to keep up on it, hence my dog gets a page. I guess I wouldn’t have String cheese tickets for the summer without it. And it would be impossible to keep in touch with friends from high school.

My Interests

McVincent likes walks, playing with other dogs, his rope toy, listening to his owner play the didgeridoo and licking his nuts (while he’s still got em’).

I'd like to meet:

There’s a bunch of cool people and dogs out there to meet, some of the cool people are dead. Top of our list is; Steve Erwin, Hunter S Thompson, Snoop Dogg, Method man, Inlakesh, Reeble Jar, Willie Nelson, mike Skinner. I’d really like to meet a wonderful sweet girl who loves the outdoors and dogs.


Our favorite bands or artist are: Bela Fleck, The Beatles, Bob Marley, Bob Dylan, cake, Credance Clear water Revival, Cyprus Hill, Gnarles Barkley, Grateful Dead, Gorillaz, Green Lemon, Inlakesh, Keller William, Ludacris, Miles Davis, Pink Floyd, Pnuma Trio, Phish, Reeble Jar, String Cheese Incident, Snoop dogg, The Streets, Sliver Chair, SubLime, Talib kweli, Tool, Tom Petty, Wu tang, Weezer, Zilla


Dead Man, Half Baked, Home Grown, What the bleep do we know?, Kill Bill, Jackie Brown, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Reservoir Dogs, Clue, Crocodile Hunter, Spirited Away, Princess Monoke, Star Wars 4,5,6, Lawrence of Arabia, Snatch, Fear of the Black Hat, Strange Brew, 1900, Blow, Alpha Dog, Inlakesk Didgeridoo video,


I’m not into tv and I don't even know if we could get those 3 free channels with rabbit ears; I’m not even going to try. All the good stuff can be rented or bought: Boondocks, Weeds, Simpson’s, That 70’s Show, Futurama, Lost, Sopranos, Wildboys and DA Ali G showBehind Blue Eyes

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the Da Vinci Code, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, the Dog Whisperer and Anything by Hunter S. Thompson


Steve Irwin. lets face it, he got to travel the world and check out tons of cool sh*t! gotta respec the Dixie Chicks, and Terrance, but he's more like a role model.

My Blog

please read

Either you love them or you don't know enough about them. I encourage everyone to read this article if you have nothing nice to say please don't leave inappropriate or rude comments. Read the article ...
Posted by Vincent on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 06:11:00 PST