The year 2005 nearly killed me. A clearer picture of What Really Matters had never revealed itself untill after a few key things came into play. I had to lose EVERYTHING, including my mind. My heart, unceremoniously ripped out of my chest. Then my nervous system short-circuited. There may be some long term damage there,( i feel like Ozzy looks..) Now that the wrecking crew is through, for minute anyway, I am learning to breathe. Actually graduated from crawling to taking a few tenative steps. It is exhausting, but I am feeling ALIVE for the first time in my life. When I grow up, I'm gonna F L Y ..This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!
Your World View
You are a moralist with conventional ideas, which some people would call old-fashioned.
You probably think that most of the world falls badly below your standards.
Your inhibitions and sense of guilt are in the way of your happiness.
You think that people tend to use sex for evil, as a weapon.
Your parents probably played a big part in the formation of such a guilt complex as yours.
Your mind is in chains, and it's time you did something to free it. What Is Your World View?
Your Love Element Is Metal
In love, you inspire and respect your partner.
For you, love is all about fusing together for one incredible life experience.
You attract others with wit and a bit of flash.
Your flirting style is defined by making others want and value you.
Greatness and optimism are the cornerstones of your love life.
You may let go too easily, but you never get weighed down by your past.
You connect best with: Earth
Avoid: Fire
You and another Metal element: will control and smother each other What Element Is Your Love?
You Are a Rainbow
Breathtaking and rare
You are totally enchanting and intriguing
But you usually don't stick around long!
You are best known for: your beauty
Your dominant state: seducing What Type of Weather Are You? cellspacing='0' width='600'
You scored as Existentialism. Your life is guided by the concept of Existentialism: You choose the meaning and purpose of your life.
Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does.
?It is up to you to give [life] a meaning.
--Jean-Paul Sartre
?It is man's natural sickness to believe that he possesses the Truth.
--Blaise Pascal
More info at Arocoun's Wikipedia User Page...
Divine Command
Justice (Fairness)
Strong Egoism
What philosophy do you follow? (v1.03)
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