Born and raised in an alternate reality, Gambit The LRG Clad Superhero entered this world along with a loose collective of mutant emcees and producers called "The House of M" with the goal of saving the earth from the uncreative, unartistic, simplisitc, unthought provoking, and copy-cat attitudes that continues to plague the Hip-Hop culture today...With his hypnotic charm, sense of self, stylish and dope costumes and accessories, an independent and progressive mind, and an extensive vocabulary at his disposal, Gambit's music is an extention who he is... Conflicted... With each song he draws his listeners in with tales of personal enlightenment, love, heartbreak, acceptance and pride of one's self, maintaining the child at heart, surviving in a world that fears what is different, and the constant personal struggle of balancing his soul, which yearns to live righteously for the Divine Law of Universe, and his physical self, which at times can be a slave to his senses and the street life...Is he a "thug"? Or is he a "geek"? He's all of the above and then some. No one word can truly capture the essence of who Gambit really is. He is, in his own words... "like a marvel of sorts""DON'T LABEL ME... LABELS DISABLE ME, FROM BEING ABLE TO SEE MY OUTER LIMITS CREATIVELY...
-Gambit The LRG Clad Superhero