Hold on tight! It could bet THE night of your life! The natural spectacle NASTY LOVE CLUB ® is back!!!!
The Dresden Party-Psychopaths will rock the exclusive location “Downtown†right up to the unconditional surrender in the early hours every first and third Thursday of each month.
For sure, you want to tell your grandchildren about the legendary NASTY LOVE CLUB ® ...and what you experienced there.
Just for you, we have organised a mega-phat lineup this month – so we expect your luscious bootie in due time. Dress up to the nines and become a witness when the gate opens at 11 pm. At that very moment, the DOWNTOWN changes into a heaven with lots of weird and charming people – for one night.
Ladies & Gentlemen,
this night is totally wicked. Since six years, the NASTY CREW has been organising a party which rocks, crashes and goes beyond the scope. No wish should remain unfulfilled. Play areas, plushy decoration, freak shows, sexy performances, special clientele, video shows, love swings and a dark area invite to an ultimate sensual orgy.
It is a sudorific party experience which already causes topics of conversations within Middle Germany. Party animals travel over a hundred kilometres to this excessive dancing pleasure in order to be part of this unique sensational festivity. We wish you a lot of fun and games as well as excitement... for each other, with each other and into each other.
The most abnormal, horniest show on this site of the Atlantic invites to the hottest “underground freakshow†of Middle Germany. We not merely clap our hands but rather house-adorer, glam-girls, sluts, gays, freaks and live-esthetes dedicate themselves to their passion - Excess for one night – twice a month. Certainly, the fiercest supersonic sounding of house music and the worst show excesses are already waiting for you. Alarm, cheers - Let her rip! It’s time to rock, to howl and to really cut up the floor.
Wildeste Housebeschallungen & schlimmste Showausschweifungen
NASTY LOVE CLUB ® - Diese Nacht wird heisssssssssss!
Halte Dich fest! Es könnte die Nacht Deines Lebens werden !
Das Naturspektakel NASTY LOVE CLUB ® ist zurück!!! Die Dresdner Party-Psychopaten rocken jeden 1. & 3. Donnerstag im Monat das Downtown bis zur bedingungslosen Kapitulation in den frühen Morgenstunden! Lass es Dir nicht entgehen Deinen Enkeln erzählen zu können, Du warst mit dabei im NASTY LOVE CLUB ®... und was Du da erlebt hast ;-)
Die abartig geilste Show diesseits des Atlantiks lädt zu Mitteldeutschlands heissester „underground freakshow“ seid dem 2002 nach Christi.
Bei uns wird nicht einfach nur in die Hände geklatscht, sondern 2mal im Monat geben sich Houseliebhaber, Glam-Girls, Sluts, Gay..s, Szene-Freaks und Lebensästheten miteinander und hemmungslos ihrer Liebe zum Exzess eine ganze Nacht lang hin. Alarm, Jubel, Gas ist rechts ... es wird gerockt, gepfiffen, Arme & Kleidungsstücke in jeder Form geworfen.
Dresscode: sexy, glamour, erotisch, freaky, fetisch, schrill
nasty outfit: 5,- euro + one vodka-nrg for free
guests: 6,- euro
Begrüßungsprosecco bis 0 Uhr
Downtown Dresden
Katharinenstraße 11-13
01099 Dresden