Mike Sweet profile picture

Mike Sweet

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Mike Sweet's talent as a musician includes not only his versatile guitar playing, but also his amazing ability to become the character of the musicians who's music he brings to life. At one moment he is the very essence of Willy Nelson, singing On the Road Again or Angels Flying to Close to the Ground. In the next, he becomes Bob Dylan, with awesome feeling and determination as he bangs out Hurricane. He brings Neal Young's quirky sound and personality across without a hitch and can pull off Sachmo's Wonderful World in a way that will make you smile and cry at the same time. Mike is an avid lover of all life and promotes vegetarianism as one way to respect God's living creatures. Being a nature lover, Mike spends a great amount of time tending his garden full of herbs, veggies and flowers. His new love of ballroom dance, albiet Mike Sweet style, competes with his time taking long walks as favorite forms of exercise. Peace and Kindness for all are his wishes.
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The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years" "During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:1. from bondage to spiritual faith; 2. from spiritual faith to great courage; 3. from courage to liberty; 4. from liberty to abundance; 5. from abundance to complacency; 6. from complacency to apathy; 7. from apathy to dependence; 8. From dependence back into bondage

I'd like to meet:

Ritchie Blackmore, Bob Dylan, Willie Nelson, Neil Young, and all other fellow musicians and especially all my fans !!!! Come see me play in St. Augustine, Florida at the: Mi Casa Cafe' . . . King's Head British Pub . . . This is my basic schedule, which sometimes changes:Mi Casa Cafe'2nd, 3rd and 4th Saturday of the month: 6-10pm.Kings Head British Pub: Every Tuesday & Thursday: 6-9pm Contact me at: [email protected] or (904) 794 - 2006 about my Gig's or if you would like to purchase one of my CD's . . . . check out my other my space at, http://www.myspace.com/mikesweetfriends

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This one may offend your ears,But it sends a message that needs to be put out to every corner of the world !


Bob Dylan, Beatles,Deep Purple, Neil Young, Ritchie Blackmore, Willie Nelson, John Prine, James Taylor, OH ,and ME,Mike Sweet, I think I like me even more than them other guys!!!.........


Imagine, Jaws, The last waltz,King Kong...[all versions]


Flintstones,Simpsons,Andy,Beaver ,all the old stuff.


Huck Finn is great.I've read 3,000 books,But Huck took me places I'll never forget T his profile has been a labor of love, We are a young newly wed couple from California, we don't have any money but we have worked hard to try to see that the country we love has the best leaders. We started this profile because we believe that Al Gore would have been the best person to lead the nation, his judgement has proved that to be true we were unable to convince him to join the race for the White House but we feel that it is now important to pick a person that would also be great in the job.
I t should not matter how old you are or how many years you have been in school or in power or what type of connections you have. We choose Barack Obama on February 5th because he had the good Judgement to oppose the Iraqi War from the beginning. We lost a friend to this war and we don't want that pain and sorrow to continue to happen, through poor judgement, poor leadership, and poor governance. We need to look into the future and look adversity in the face and know that we can overcome it, Yes We Can!
Can We Restore our Constitution? Yes We Can!
Can We Help The Needy? Yes We Can!
Can We Protect our ecological Heritage? Yes We Can!
The American People when inspired can touch the stars, let us become inspired,

Yes We Can!



... John Lennon,He taught me to speak out against WAR and injustice ,No matter if it PISSED off some republicans... superman,(George Reeves version}, ... Catherine the Witchlady,& Maggie May....

My Blog


Cool b-day party THANKS ALL...send check ,cash, or money order toMike SweetMiCasa Cafe69 St.George St.St.Augustine Fl. 32086
Posted by Mike Sweet on Sat, 19 May 2007 06:11:00 PST

Come See Me

..First of all, thanks to Scott McAskill for putting together this site. Cause I'm a dinosaur and probably wouldn't have gotten around to it. I invite all you guys to come and visit me at Mi Casa Cafe...
Posted by Mike Sweet on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 01:58:00 PST