Photography, art, art business and promotion! Music, Percussion, Jazz, Latin, and more!
Beyond Amy?
What does anyone want? We're all mostly the same species here. A little company, excitment, and fun! That's what we all want!
People talk of the tribute vice pays to virtue, but everything's permitted nowadays--there's no more need of moral hypocrisy. There's only intellectual hypocrisy now.
Lets step back and take advantage of life. There are such great opportunities for experience out there. Lets do a few things; See Renoir first hand, play chess in a coffee shop, create some art, and chase intimacy. If you can’t deal with my misspelling, we weren’t meant to be!
Also I enjoy talking with individuals who know what it means to Turtle F*ck. You know what it means. It involves 2 people, 2 wheels, Oil, a bit of gasoline, and good breaks.
Jazz, and Latin music. Some rock.
I threw it the hell out the window!
UPDATE! I must admit, I moved in with my girlfriend, and she's got one. So.. CSI, and My Name is Earl Rank high on my list!