tripping the light fantastic, falling over, laughing loudly, local art and music scenes, beer pong, volleyball, post it notes, unicorns, dancing whenever i feel like it, snowglobes, orbitz bubblemint gum, arranging things in rainbow order, sleeping at the beach, KCRW and Morning Becomes Ecclectic, making exact change, protest and revolution, jazz, Dr. Seuss, fuzzy toe socks, being a dirty pirate whore, roller disco and rockin my quad skates, spilling everything i drink on my shirt, watching cigarettes spark on dark roads, long hugs in airports, the scent of tobacco and vanilla, hammocks under shade trees, songs about the ocean, gummi candy esp. in its wierdest forms, front porches and creaky rocking chairs, revolutionaries, campfires, getting lost, extra fine .05 gel pens, college rule paper, anything phosphorescent, crows feet, weathered hands and all other well earned wrinkles, being read to, spoken word, down pillows and comforters, canopy beds with gauzy curtains, those tiny soap bubbles that sometimes escape from bottles of dish soap, to-do lists even when i'm on vacation, crossword puzzles, drum machines, red red wine, that high lonesome sound, 7-eleven coffee, spiral stair cases, cathedrals, overstuffed shrimp po-boys, crawfish boils and cold beer, tacky refrigerator magnets, old books, turner classic movies, snooze buttons, hoarding lipgloss, holding hands, swings at parks, my mamaw's gardenia bush, my grandaddy's pecan trees, live oaks, late night chats perched on kitchen counters, soy chais with espresso, live life as an on-going creative process, raising eyebrows, famously bad parking jobs, dinner parties and experimental receipes, the aquarium channel, the smell of asphalt after a thunderstorm, best friends, miller high life light, Shell Silverstein, muppets, nice boys, my family, sailing down whiskey river, being in a constant state of searching for: my car keys, true love, and cell phone, poetry that celebrates misanthropes and outlaws, honesty...honestly, and my friends who inspire and push me as a human being.
People fearlessly dedicated to their vision of a better world who believe in revolution, freedom (both mental and spiritual), and the power of their own voice. There are a few other people I'd like to meet: My grandmother when she was my age. I'd like to drink a martini with that Bitch and thank her for our family! Also, my sister said this first, but I found the idea fascinating. I'd like to meet myself in fifteen years. I pray I still have my childlike fascination with the little things in life, that my love affair with art and revolution still wake me up and make me feel alive, and that I am still as loved and loving as I am now. I would also like to shake the hands of Jim Henson, Shell Silverstein, Dr. Seuss, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Miriam Makeba, Gloria Steinem, Dizzy Gillespie, Thelonius Monk, Miles Davis, Nina Simone, Paul Simon, Alan Ginsbourg, Jack Kerouac, William Bourroughs, Adam Duritz, Ani DiFranco, Adrienne Rich, Henry Rollins and Mitch Hedberg for changing the world and my perception of it.
Yeah, I do! f*ckinrocklikesatan! No seriously, I live, breathe, sleep, think, and devour music. There's a never ending tape deck in my head that plays constantly. So even if I'm not actively listening to something, I am forever zoning out in conversations because something that was just said reminds me of a song. If you know my dear dear friend Mikee Froebel you can ask him about this rare but serious side-effect!
the dark crystal, willie wonka and the chocolate factory, all of the muppet movies, office space, all of the wes anderson films, all of the kevin smith films, all of the quentin tarantino films, dune, the sweetest thing, real genius, shag, all of the brat pack films, all of the disney cartoons, empire records, scarface, all about eve, auntie mame, breakfast at tiffany's, easter parade, indiana jones, the goonies, legend, labryinth, neverending story, mullholland drive, amelie, y tu mamma tambien, bladerunner, ghost world, tron, never ending story, city of god....once again the list goes on. what can i say- i'm just that easy.
TEXT Bitch! I will shank you in the kidneys if you get in the way of me watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force or Squidbillies! I love Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends on Cartoon Network. Adult Swim. Discovery. Animal Planet esp, the Planet Earth series. Top Chef -- ya'll that show makes me bite my fingernails. Mythbusters. How It's Made. MTV's Made. TCM and AMC for late nights and the occaisional VH1 drool time.
TEXT hardboiled wonderland and the end of the world by hariku murikami and anything else he writes. the outlaw bible of american poetry. ginsberg, kerouac, burroughs, bukowski and the like. you shall know our velocity- david eggars, shell silverstien, dr seuss, neuromancer, white noise, the alchemist -paulo cuelo, neruda, borges, castineda, shakespeare, don quixote, willow, anne rice, donna harraway. playwrites like sam shepard and tennesse williams. in fact several southern writers. flannery o'conner, ellen gilchrist. raymond carver. invisible cities and mr.wilson's cabinet of wonder. yeah after four years of reading shoved down my throat all i really read now is spin, vice, la weekly, rolling stone, flaunt and vogue. if that says anything about my current psuedo intellectual status.
My friends and family--they are all such strong and brilliant people in so many ways. It truly amazes me. I am very blessed. Also, anyone who champions causes for the lost, sick, weak, poor, forgotten, and defenseless beings on this planet.