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Lockie Leonard

Tell Channel 9 how much you want a second series!!!!!

About Me

If you missed me on TV, now you have the chance to buy Season One on DVD from 12 September and keep me close by your side ! Hours of fun, adventures and wild times as well as a special bloopers reel will keep you entertained, educated and out of mum and dad’s hair! You can buy me online at ezydvd.com.au or all good stores.
I am one of the smartest, most good looking and funny people in the world. Okay, I have some faults. Like my hair which never gets combed or brushed well enough for mum to call it anything but a birds nest owned by an untidy bird. Thats ok, I don't care about other peoples hair so why should they care about mine?
And I have had some pimples recently, just a couple. Thats another fault but it could be worse, alot worse. I could look like the guy in my maths class whose face resembles the pasta mum put in the fridge last week and forgot about.
Honestly, there are heaps smarter and better looking and funnier people in the world than me. But one thing I know I am is a good surfer and there is no better place in the universe than Angelus beach on a sunny day when the left and right break is working... and thats just true.
Check out the Channel Nine Lockie Leonard website! Click here!
Here is what the Sydney Morning Herald says about LOCKIE LEONARD. Click here!
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My Interests

Surfing, music listening to it anyway, would play if I could but can't. The environment is important, if we don't have an environment then we really don't have anything. Its not right for us to ruin it.

This picture hangs on a wall in our house. Why mum and Sarge, why?? I don't even know whose dog it is!!!


Jebediah, Bob Evans, Spiderbait, Pete Murray, Little Birdy, Sleepy Jackson, Cassanovas.


Surfing films, Ric Rafici films, action films, comedys.


Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday @ 4pm on Channel 9!


Not a young persons guide to sex!!!!!!!!




My Blog

Lockie Leonard DVD season one.

If you missed me on TV, now you have the chance to buy Season One on DVD from 12 September and keep me close by your side !   Hours of fun, adventures and wild times as well as a special blo...
Posted by Lockie Leonard on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 03:33:00 PST

Here's what the critics are saying about LOCKIE LEONARD!!!

Daily telegraph: 26  June "This is top quality stuff aimed at young teens, but would probably do  just as well in a more family friendly viewing slot" Daily  Telegraph 20 June "There's ...
Posted by Lockie Leonard on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 05:15:00 PST

JEBEDIAH love LOCKIE LEONARD... Here's what they said!

This show is a bloody ripper. It proves that  it's not just the music industry in WA that is producing kick arse material... and it's on now so i'm gonna go and watch it" - Vanessa Thornton, Bass...
Posted by Lockie Leonard on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 05:12:00 PST

Lockie definitions... for those that need them

Not everyone in the world uses the same words as me. Sometimes its like another language, so here are some definitions so people know what I'm taking about. Goolies - A boys nether regions Headbanger ...
Posted by Lockie Leonard on Tue, 01 May 2007 10:41:00 PST