I AM BORING. Picking out spelling and grammatical errors, correcting people. Hating emoticons and the truncation of words by omission of vowels.
Unfunny people, or your mom, actually nobody. I know too many people already. Perhaps someone who knows the proper usage for a semi-colon.
Barry Manilow, Tom Jones, the drippy faucet or some shit like that, but not in a cool ironic way, I'm just really boring.
I don't watch movies as much as I watch the blue screen and I really miss when the TV used to have the composition cover static on it; that was fascinating, and not on drugs, I just don't care to watch movies.
see above. Movies=Television.
I don't read books, just the backs of them, and then I pretend that I have read them, so if we have similar interests, I am just faking it.... same with sex.
I don't care. I am faking it anyway, and I guess I am pretty lame at it too.