The desert. Camping and getting dirt under my nails. Biking. The gym. The ocean. Painting. Cooking good food. Playing with dogs. Long hallways with peeling paint and doors that lead to the tortured minds of lost and lonley souls. Rocky Mountain Horses. Greyhounds. URT (it's fun, killing shit). GTA, all of em. Lara Croft, everything about her. I want to BE her. Taking pictures of stuff. Art (as a proper noun that is) Hockey. Rollerblading. MST3K rocks my house, Crow is too sexy for words. Neuroticly Yours. Foamy is so THERE. Fucking squirrels ROCK. NATALIE DEE IS THE SHIT, EVERYONE!!!! check out her
That's right, Mr. T and Boy George. Two cultural icons from the mid 80's: Mr. T (a tough, jive-talking actor)and Boy George (a gay singer). Boy George had several (?) hit songs with his band Culture Club. Mr. T starred in the hit TV show The A-Team and a cartoon about children who do gymnastics. He also had his own cereal and pitied many fools.
Techno/trance/dance (gym music). Goldfinger. Tori Amos. Lords of Acid. The Donnas. NFG. Screeching Weasel. Sarah Brightman. Liz Phair. Blondie. Crap from the 80's (like, fer sher). Pachabels Canon. Listen people, I have over 1800 songs on my laptop and about 4,800 on my desktop. That's an impressive amount of music, I love to listen, always.
City of Angels, Love and Sex (I cheese sandwich you...). 200 Cigarettes (we are so fucked Val...). Dogma. Serendipity. Princess Bride. Point of No Return. Chasing Amy. Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood. Clerks. Mall Rats. Gross Pointe Blank. History of the World, Part 1. Mighty Aphrodite. Charlies Angels Full Throttle. Sliding doors. Mr and Mrs Smith (the old one, silly). Sideways. Almost anything old and black and white.
Huh? Who has time for that?????? Fuck television. It's for idiots. Morons. Lazy people with nothing better to believe in. Oh, and all you Real fucking World Who Wants to Marry a Fake American Idol Millionaire Wife Swapping Survivor of the Lost Reality Island-watching knuckle draggers....get off the goddamn couch and find a fucking hobby you stupid motherfuckers.
The Stand. Pride and Prejudice. The Davinci Code. Battle Royal. Cell. Where the Sidewalk Ends. The Dog Lovers Companion to California. plasticized maps of...well. .....anywhere.
The Tick. He's got muscles that can save the world. And that's good, cuz that's where I keep my stuff. And this girl.I love her to death, and back again. She's beautiful, and smart and she makes me laugh until I think I'm going to pee. (oops, I just did....dammit she's funny) She's my nummah one, bff, my b.b.k.f.