Ninushka - SoDApOP profile picture

Ninushka - SoDApOP


About Me

Hello, I am Nina and I'm pretty shy, I like music very much and taking photos."SHALL WE BEGIN?"

My Interests

Painting, taking photos, playing piano and singing or everything thats got to do with music, friends, konerts, writing dep stuff.

I'd like to meet:

Herbert von Karajan, Kraftwerk, Blues Brothers and Mr. E,I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (


Fierfox AK, Forset & Crispian Lamont Lykke Li Eels The Stereo In Iris Kraftwerk Straycats Anton Ekelund The Hives The Beatles Detektivbyrån Taxi Taxi PKU! The Clash Steven Andolf Laakso Beethoven, DAF, Mozart, Joy Division, Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd m.m


Control Jönssonligan Gone with the Wind, Good Morning Vietnam , Two days in Paris, Blues Brothers, Fight Club, Calle och Choklad fabriken


Music stuff like classical or Jazzical things on Mezzo :P


You will find me at the autobiography shelf


Herbert von Karajan, Björn Nilsson, Jönssonligan (nutid) and Rudolf (the reindeer)

My Blog

No matter what they say, I´m in Moskow: Yeah right!

Hello my little friends!Vem kunde tro detta? Jag äger på svenska i skolan :D klart MVG! okej jag är ju mycket bra på att tolka/ÖVERTOLKA alla sorts texter, lixom hallå jag kan hitta djupa meningar i a...
Posted by Ninushka - SoDApOP on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 02:32:00 PST

"To be or not to be" Thats the question?

Mahha jag skriver ett till inlägg! Jisses jag ska välja gymnasium snart, har redan valt, men lixom skicka in den till gymnasieintagning, min lista är (inte linjerna utan skolorna) 1.Södra Latin-Piano ...
Posted by Ninushka - SoDApOP on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 01:22:00 PST

Ah my Stay Ali mogapontus shietram cabakassne lokobilma

Hello, my little friends! Today I'm trött as hell, beacuse I came home at 03.00 yesterday or today   i think and thats fuking late!!!The anledning to the late arrive was at firs I was on the...
Posted by Ninushka - SoDApOP on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 01:25:00 PST

Most playd songs on my Ipod

I have nothing to do so I will write the hole thing! 1.Kandyland med Stay Ali, Vendel kaufmann 2.Caisa är Liten med Kapten Kobbe feat. Johan Graden, Med Rikard på Omslaget EP 3.Créme de la Crém med St...
Posted by Ninushka - SoDApOP on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 01:08:00 PST

CD:s I have to buy list

Mange Schmidt När känslan kommer tillbaks (köpt) The Hives The Black and White album [kommer 17/10] Moneybrother PengaBrorsan (köpt) Moneybrother Mount Pleasure (köpt) Moneybrother Blood Panic Moneybr...
Posted by Ninushka - SoDApOP on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 12:36:00 PST

Gula Villan whit Stay ali and Titz

Shit orka skriva på engelska denna gång!..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />   Jag mötte Alexander vid centralen typ 16.00 kanske det var? Men iallafall ...
Posted by Ninushka - SoDApOP on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 05:28:00 PST

Ah Stay Ali is the best thing ever!

Yetserday Stay Ali, one of my few favourite bands had a gig in Gamla Stan whit two otherbands. I went there whit some of my friends to see the band or I went there to see Stay Ali the most but the oth...
Posted by Ninushka - SoDApOP on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 02:10:00 PST

Slagsmålsklubben 19 sept -Im so there!

ahhh OMG Slagsmålsklubben are coming to Stockholm again to Debaser and me and my friends are so going there!! and then I'm going to buy a red SMK t-shirt becaus its so beautiful!! whatever godnig...
Posted by Ninushka - SoDApOP on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 01:13:00 PST

Why is it so hard for everyone to accept me for ME!

Oh fuck....great my first words!Right now i'm very depressed, and useally I'm just a happy person and thats the problem right now, because I have just a few friends that i can be normal...
Posted by Ninushka - SoDApOP on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 05:56:00 PST

Out of town whit no Internet for 4 weeks!!

Hello, on Tuesday I will go on a long journey to Finland, I will be gone for about 4 weeks, that will say I 'm going on 3/7 and will be back 31/7 and thats a fucking loong time!!!! and Then I wil...
Posted by Ninushka - SoDApOP on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 02:10:00 PST