*~*The Queen*~* profile picture

*~*The Queen*~*

I am here for Friends

About Me

http://www.amandafairgate.com ****MUST READ**** "The I's"I am a really positive person.I dont like having negative energy in my life.I am very outgoing and talkative with people I like.I think i am a hypochondriac.I am a big dork.I do not like cocky conceited arrogant people.I like art.I can be really bitchy and really nice depending on the person.I like painting and drawing.I sometimes see ghosts.I think I am a rockstar.I am studying interior design and fashion merchandising.I like Marc Jacobs.I can be a snob and stuck up towards ones actions decisions and choices and how they present theirself.I have morals, values, self respect, integrity, class.I like looking in the mirror bc it is fun playing with my hair.I like laying out and tanning.I like changing my hair color bc I get bored easily.I love shopping and buying clothes and cute accessories.I grew up in IllinoisI love Kelly Clarkson.I am confident.I like talking to myself while I drive.I am kinda a nerd.I love taking showers.I like visiting new places.I like staying up late and sleeping in.I sometimes like getting up early.I like running.I am independent.I like watching the golden girls and designing women on Lifetime.I am kinda a dork ok I already said that but I am.I do not have a very good taste in movies.I do not like soda that much.I like sushi.I like big sunglasses.I wear high heels almost every day.I do not like fake jaded people.I do not like trashy slutty distasteful whorish people.I love taco bell even though its fattening but who cares.I love my family and friends and my mom is my bestfriend.I dont like alcohol that much.I have a low tolerance for stupidity and slutty behavior.I hate people that use alcohol as an excuse for their actions.I like watching Desperate Housewives.I want to get married in 5 years.I also like watching the OC and Ugly Betty oh oh and the Hills.I have 3 bestfriends, Lyndsey, Julee, Elle.I think being born into america makes you the luckyest person in the world.I am all about respecting yourself, valuing yourself, body mind soul.I like really classy people.I am not impressed by material things.I am really picky about guys.I think I might be A sexual.I have extremely high self respect for myself.I have extremely high standards for guys.I find personality, intelligence, conversation skills, humor very sexy.I am addicted to text messaging.I am a huge animal lover.I have a very fullfilling life.I have 4 dogs.I am 5'6 and 105 lbs.I really like buying shoes.I have very good self control.I have yellow green eyes.I hate dirty clubs.I prefer going to nice bars or lounges.I like meeting new people.I am addicted to perezhilton.com.I live in my own little world.I like a variety of music except most rap.I think I have multiple personalities but dont tell anyone.I think preppy with an edge is sexy on guys.I like athletic guys.I like boyish mans man type.I am kinda a girly girl.I am really bored right now.I wish I were shopping instead or hanging out with girlfriends.I like meeting my girlfriends for lunch once a week to gossip.I am kinda a fag hag I love my gays.I like louis vuitton handbags.I like citizen of humanity, blue cult, chip n pepper, true religion, 7s of mankind jeans.I dont know if I mentioned I like to shop?I do not see the big deal about Angelina Jolie and think she is lame.I really like Reese Witherspoon.I hate liars, players, and dishonest people.I think most of myspace consists of trashy people and that is why my profile is private.I do not like trashy dirty people.I use to watch 90210 growing up.I really liked Kelly.I am in LOVE with Tyra Banks and love everything she stands for.I want to have my own talk show one day.I am against drugs .I like drawing and scetching.I like giving people makeovers.I like painting with acrylic oil and water color.I really love art.I am burnt out on school.I sometimes model.I love my friends and think they are sexy bitches.I am really honest.I am really outspoken.I am very forward.I think people sometimes see that as being a bitch.I am really direct and opinionated.I am a very open person and comfortable with myself.I like meeting new people.I really like dasani water.I think Tom Cruise is scary.I like to run and do cardio.I love gay people and think they are fun.I prefer going to gay clubs.I am a very spiritual person.I am not big on religion.I want a mercedes really bad someone buy me one thank you.I love the movie mean girls.I know my worth.I use the word "like" a lot.I am going to tell anyone who is reading this that I hope they are having a good day or good night, muah!Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com
welcome to my world
Which O.C. Character Are You? Find out @ She's CraftyTake the quiz: "Which Laguna Beach Character are You?"

You are LC, very fashionable, rich, and GORGEOUS. You are bitchy but in a silent way. Who cares though with looks like that!?
Which Sex and the City Player Are You? Find out @ She's CraftyTELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey
Name: You should know
Birthday: Oct 13th
Birthplace: MO
Current Location: IL
Eye Color: light yellow green
Hair Color: ever changing
Height: 5'6
Right Handed or Left Handed: right
Your Heritage: um American? jk german irish spanish
The Shoes You Wore Today: pumps
Your Weakness: shoes
Your Fears: flying, diseases, heights
Your Perfect Pizza: pepperoni
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: finish the semester
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: lol
Thoughts First Waking Up: I wish I had a personal hair dresser
Your Best Physical Feature: I am told eyes lips and breasts
Your Bedtime: Whenever I fall a sleep
Your Most Missed Memory: being a child and how simple it all was
Pepsi or Coke: neither dasani please
MacDonalds or Burger King: neither
Single or Group Dates: both
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: neither
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: neither
Do you Smoke: no
Do you Swear: lol duh
Do you Sing: only in the car
Do you Shower Daily: sometimes 3 times a day
Have you Been in Love: no
Do you want to go to College: I want to finish college :-)
Do you want to get Married: Yes
Do you belive in yourself: Yes
Do you get Motion Sickness: Yes
Do you think you are Attractive: Yes
Are you a Health Freak: at times
Do you get along with your Parents: Yes my mom is my bestfriend
Do you like Thunderstorms: depends on who I am with
Do you play an Instrument: no
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: um...yes I think
In the past month have you Smoked: no no
In the past month have you been on Drugs: lol no
In the past month have you gone on a Date: ummm......no I dont think
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: thats on a regular basis
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Yes
In the past month have you been on Stage: Yes
In the past month have you been Dumped: No
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: no
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: no
Ever been Drunk: once or twice
Ever been called a Tease: Yes
Ever been Beaten up: No...unless hair pulling counts?
Ever Shoplifted: when I was little
How do you want to Die: glamorous, fabulous, going out with a bang
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: fashion buyer
What country would you most like to Visit: china
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: I love pretty eyes...it doesnt matter
Favourite Hair Color: brown, light brown, dark blonde
Short or Long Hair: depends on what works for them
Height: taller than me
Weight: bigger than me
Best Clothing Style: classy preppy with an edge but not too metro
Number of Drugs I have taken: none
Number of CDs I own: no clue
Number of Piercings: 3
Number of Tattoos: none
Number of things in my Past I Regret: doing this survery? jk

My Interests

art, abercrombie, manolo blahnik, jimmy choo, christian louboutin, design, fashion, dasani water, marc jacobs, louis vuitton, prada, chanel, makeovers, shoes, louis vuitton, juicy, bcbg, 7s of Mankind, chip n pepper, blue cult, lacoste, citizens of humanity, true religion, neiman marcus, paige denim, bebe, coach, class, cultured, down to earth, fashion, fit, girly, healthy body mind soul, integrity, morals, outgoing, personable, personality, pink, self respect, sophistication, spiritual, style, substance, tanning, taste, values, working out, running, cardio, interior design, fashion merchandising, school, family, friends, working out, running, tanning, shopping

I'd like to meet:

What would you do to get in?
The VIP Elite.

My BFF Julipop

My BFF Divafied Elle

My BFF Fabulous M

MY BFF Socialite Lyndsey


Singing Mic Rog

My BFF Cutie Alex

Sexy Brando

"Killer Legs" Elias

Yummy Alex

Badass AJ

Gorgeous Leah

Rockstar John


Handsome Warner

Classy Jason


Christian the Player

Watch Over Me Dan


Bombshell Conway

Studly Christopher

Sexy Bitch J

Elegant Nipal

View All of My Friends


Kelly Clarkson, Jessica Simpson, Green Day, Carrie Underwood, Hilary Duff, 3 Doors Down, Coldplay, Nickelback, Hinder, Daughtry, Nelly Furtado, Fergie


Cruel Intentions, Clueless, Mean Girls, Legally Blonde, The Devil Wears Prada, The Little Mermaid


The Hills, Ugly Betty, Desperate Housewives, Americas Next Top Model, Project Runway, What Not To Wear, Oprah, Tyra Show


ummm does Cosmo count?
You're Marilyn Monroe!
What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your Sexual Power Animal is a Penguin!

Choosy, selective, and monogamous.
Not only are you picky when it comes to sex.
You tend to stick with the same partner for a long time
And since you're so picky, it takes a lot to get you
Once you're impressed, then you'll put out
What's Your Sexual Power Animal?
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You Are An Innocent Bitch !

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You Are a Feminine Beauty!

You make any guy feel like a man, simply by standing next to him
You have a classic womanly appeal - and you've got a look for every occasion
This doesn't mean that you can't kick back in (designer) jeans and sneakers
You just prefer to be girly and sweet as often as possible
What Type of Beauty Are You? Take This Quiz :-)
Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

You are Simple Life Paris Hilton!

The simple life is the boring life for you.
You're a bit of a spoiled brat, but you already knew that.
Chances are that you've never worked a fast food job.
You prefer shopping to studying - and Gucci to the Gap.
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I'm Rachel Green from Friends!
Take the Friends Quiz here.
created by stomps .
Take the quiz: "What designer shoes would fit you best? (With Pics! :))"

Dollhouse Flows
Dollhouse flows are petite and cute, and most likely, since you got this result, so are you. You prolly like the color pink, and mini-skirts, but don't worry, that's not a bad thing, so do I. XDTake the quiz: "What Perfume Are You?!((pics))!"

Burberry Brit
You are a fun, special girl who only has the best. The only bad thing about you is that you are cocky and vein....SOMETIMES.Take the quiz: "WHAT DESIGNER ARE YOU?"

You are an exotic beauty who needs to be noticed!Take the quiz: "Are you a Hollister Hottie or an Abercrombie Babe? (FYI girls only)"

Abercrombie Babe
You are cute, stylish, and sexy. you know what things look best on you, and you show your looks of as well.

You Are the Girl Next Door!

You're caring, warm, and the girl that nice guys want to marry. Uncomplicated and simple, you've got an easy going attitude guys love. But this doesn't mean you're dull - far from it! You're a great conversationalist, and you're an expert at living the good life.
What Kind of Girl Are You? Take This Quiz :-)
Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.


My Family and Friends, Oprah, Jackie O, Tamara Mellon, Anna Wintour, Sophia Loren, Elizabeth Taylor, Raquel Welch, Jennifer Anisten, Reese Witherspoon, Tyra Banks, Audrey Hepburn, CoCo Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Karen Walker(will n grace) :-)
Regina George

Which Mean Girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

My Blog

Deleting Myspace

Ive thought and thought about this over time and I am honestly considering deleting myspace. In my opinion it has just lost its novelty. I am so tired of having no privacy, it has made my life very sc...
Posted by *~*The Queen*~* on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 03:31:00 PST

for future Supermodels....

Ok...so I get emails all the time from girls asking me about how i started modeling...how they can model...how they should start...and I feel really bad because im normally really busy and dont have t...
Posted by *~*The Queen*~* on Thu, 17 Nov 2005 01:29:00 PST

In Need of Backup Husband

Open Casting Call Audition: Seeing that my backup husband is in a long-term relationship, soon to be practically married im in need of a new backup husband, so anyone that is interested, submit your a...
Posted by *~*The Queen*~* on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 05:27:00 PST

The Reason I no longer date male models

Ok so all of you know im extremely shallow and think if it doesnt equal a 20 why bother right? Well......... Im so over male models and here are the reasons why 1. Emotionally unstable 2. Head cases 3...
Posted by *~*The Queen*~* on Tue, 17 Jan 2006 03:50:00 PST

Ok Bitches Sluts and Dumbasses

Ok, lets get something straight here If you try to add me, and I dont know you chances are im not going to accept and it isnt going to help your case if you have pornographic, stripper pictures posted...
Posted by *~*The Queen*~* on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 04:23:00 PST

All About Me!

Have a dream that keeps coming back?: YesRemember your first love?: yesRead the newspaper?: umm if its the gossip columns yesBelieve in miracles?: yesBelieve it's possible to remain faithful forever?:...
Posted by *~*The Queen*~* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

OK so I have a stalker

So this guy started emailing me a few months ago before my profile was private and added me as a friend, and he seemed nice so being considerate i replied back to a few of his emails, until i clearly ...
Posted by *~*The Queen*~* on Wed, 31 May 2006 10:27:00 PST

On or Off?

Fill this out with your answersLADIES/GUYS: Turned ON or OFF or DC [don't care] when a guy/girl:Rides a skateboard: ONDresses like a surfer: DCDresses in all black: OFF!!Plays a musical instrument: ON...
Posted by *~*The Queen*~* on Sun, 11 Dec 2005 02:33:00 PST

What happens in Chicago....

stays in chicago....     (inside joke)
Posted by *~*The Queen*~* on Mon, 31 Oct 2005 09:41:00 PST

Hello? its My Birthday....

and its kinda going to be a big deal :) so I expect ass kissing and presents thanks bitches, love ya   PS my birthday isnt until the 13th this is just a reminder for surprise parties, presents, a...
Posted by *~*The Queen*~* on Tue, 11 Oct 2005 02:05:00 PST