21, broken edge
designer, not webdesigner.
[email protected]
msn: [email protected]
the end.
le quotidien.
"So now we got two earth ads and we got two killing jokes We got two adolescents two peni’s and two the crews We got two someone got their head kicked ins We got two declines, two damaged And two jelous agains, I knew you were the one"
80's peacepunk.
grindcore, thrashcore, crustcore.
80's hardcore.
sludge, doom.
post-rock, organic music
experimental music
apocalypse now.
a arte de viver para as novas gerações—raoul vaneigem
kerouac, fante, bukowski, miller, matiasz, bey, camus, sartre, shaughnessy, bringhurst, zola, kafka, entre alguns outros.
alerta roja general