wheels of fire, my bike, hockey, music, photography, graphics, web design, lovin on my lady
people that are interested in my services that arent trying to cheat me. my rates are low and if you like my work you should want me to keep doing it right?
CHOPPER, NO BRAKES!!!, Opera Sequence, Nintendo Power Club, hardcore, metal, thrash...really just anything good
i love cryptopsy, the cardigans and everything in between.
THE BREATH, the people vs. larry flint, requiem for a dream, spider-man, finding nemo, scarface, a lifeless ordinary, being john malkovich, perfect blue, millennium actress, tokyo godfathers, ninja scroll, cruse of the undead yoma, transformers the movie (1987), drunken master, monkey kung fu, the elephant man, the cooler, rudy...the list just keeps on with the endlessness
hockey, mma fighting, adult swim occasionally, history channel
reading...hahhaha...nah i like evasion, days of war nights of love, and then i have a bunch of photography books that have no words just pictures...thats what im talking about
my mom