QueenOfTheNight profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Married to my best friend, it couldn't be sweeter! Pro-broadcaster since 1982, licensed since 1978 at the tender age of 14. I play bass guitar when time allows. My favorite hue is BLACK. I'm also an avid writer and co-wrote a KISS related online novel "Gene's Bedtime Story" in 2000. We were fortunate enough to grab the attention of Gene Simmons who included us on his website, and were featured in MAXIM magazine in 2001.I'm addicted to beads and rhinestones. Yea, it's a sickness. I can spot a loose bugle or missing stone from 25 feet. It comes from 7 years on the road as a costume designer for a Cher impersonator. I love taking something out of my head and seeing it on stage in action. Nothing like it in the world, just glad it's not me....I'm a behind the scenes type of girl. You'd never know it when I'm on the air or hosting an event, I HAVE to turn it on...and believe me...I do. Hence the nickname "Marti the One Woman Party".I'm a self professed Motley Crüe FANATIC! After sending my husband off to Harley Davidson school in Orlando for a year, attending a Crüe show for the first time ALONE touched my heart. Go figure. I've never shed a tear at a show until the night I saw them here in Fort Wayne. When they rolled into their power ballad mix of "Glitter/Without You/Home Sweet Home" I completely lost it. My husband of 9 years should have been beside me. Vince beared an uncanny resemblence to my man. It was at that point, the waterworks let go. I watched COS video EVERY STINKIN' NIGHT until my sweetie came home this past July. Crüe got me through all those lonely nights. Thanks guys, you have touched my heart and kept me sane!I am a RABID photographer, I have been ever since I can remember. Concerts, Cemetaries and Nature are my favorites. Here are just a few of my shots presented in slideshow form.
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My Interests

Concert photography, storm chasing, paranormal investigation, audio production, costume design, playing bass, music, dwarf hamsters! I am an active member of the HoneyHams group dedicated to helping detect diabetes in the dwarf line from imbreeding. I have had 7 diabetics who have lived full lives by early detection with the help of HoneyHams. I have recently added 2 new babies to the family. A male named Captain Penny, and a female named Mina.

I'd like to meet:

Cool folk who still believe in dreams.....and Ron Jeremy! IF YOU'RE UNDER THE AGE OF 18, YOU BETTER MOVE ON......CAUSE YOU WON'T GET AN ADD HERE.


You've got to be kidding?! I'm so left of center with music it's sort of funny. I've been told I'm an enigma, which is pretty much on target. In no particular order, unless noted, these are some of my favorite artists:KISS, Duran Duran, Alice Cooper, Motley Crue, Bon Jovi, Led Zep, Poison, Rick Springfield, Beatles, Breaking Point, Andrea Bocelli, Mario Lanza.I was raised with Big Band era music, and I still l love it.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SHOW SOME LOVE FOR THESE GUYS:Breaking Point (Justin ROCKS!),Ingram Hill (yea Phil!), The Crash Moderns (NYC), Anna Nalick, James Blunt, Virgin Millionaires.


How about some PORN! Rock Star, Almost Famous, Interview With A Vampire, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Blade, From Dusk Til Dawn, Lost Boys, Tommy Boy, ALL Adam Sandler films, House of 1000 Corpses, The Gargoyles.


Not a big TV watcher, but when I do..it's usually Adult Swim, MXC, anything about the paranormal, tornadoes, Egyptology, and music. LOVE the 4400 series on Sci-Fi. Re-runs of M*A*S*H, Seinfeld, Ren & Stimpy, Twilight Zone, Young Ones, The Munsters, Gilligan's Island.


Any and all Anne Rice! Celestine Prophesy, The Dirt, SEX/MONEY/KISS, The DaVinci Code are a few of my favorites.


My father...God rest his soul. Always a jokester and supportive of my dreams. I miss him and cherish the time we had together while he was alive.Addictions....

My Blog


Well...here I am, sitting at work, STUCK.  Yea, that's what happens when you work in radio. When there is a blizzard, you're exempt from any Snow Emergency and basically, being a nice public serv...
Posted by QueenOfTheNight on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:43:00 PST

Sick? Understatement!

Well, got past THAT sinus infection for a week....only to be exposed to yet ANOTHER one!  I'm just getting past this round with a nice Z-pak which I finished up on Saturday. I finally missed 1/2 ...
Posted by QueenOfTheNight on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 07:18:00 PST

I"m sick...

with a sinus infection...ack! Haven't missed a day of work yet! I feel like absolute shit and I'm so glad it's the weekend! I'm laying low to beat this thing.  Have an enjoyable one!
Posted by QueenOfTheNight on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 08:04:00 PST

not enough time for.....

playing on the computer!  I'm throwing these together in 20 mins!  
Posted by QueenOfTheNight on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 11:15:00 PST

2007 Rock Hall of Fame Nominee List

Attention KISS fans......You've probably heard the rumors from disgruntled fans in regards to the latest nominees to the 2007 Class of the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame.  Questions? Call the Plain...
Posted by QueenOfTheNight on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 08:17:00 PST

Ha! I didn't go off half cocked!!!

It thrills me to pieces! See below article:   Sears Centre promises better Officials say they'll remedy parking, bathroom waits.The director of the new Sears Centre vowed Friday to correct "openi...
Posted by QueenOfTheNight on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 10:02:00 PST

Sears Centre Grand Opening in Chicago

6 hours on the road in TONS of road construction later....we arrived at the brand spankin' new Sears Centre just northwest of Chicago. Don't let the name fool you...this place looks nice from the outs...
Posted by QueenOfTheNight on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 03:51:00 PST

My Oh My!

24 hours from now my ass will be in Chicago....awaiting the arrival of my British boys.....the formerly known as "fab 5" now known as something other.....DURAN DURAN! Fotos to follow....
Posted by QueenOfTheNight on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 04:01:00 PST


I'm sick. I've got the yearly drive myself nuts with a sinus infection pain in the ass! Yea, enough so to call the doc for some meds, which I hate taking. I barely take anything for a headache. I'm no...
Posted by QueenOfTheNight on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 05:55:00 PST

Fuckin' Amazing!

I've been thinking long and hard to try to come up with the right words to describe the days leading up to, and the day of the Motley/Aero show in Indianapolis on Friday Oct 13th. I've been tight lipp...
Posted by QueenOfTheNight on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 09:06:00 PST