everything and nothing
Majority are dead already
My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive, The Beatles, Guns n' Roses, Joseph Arthur, Prince, Nine Inch Nails, Pink Floyd, The Smiths, The Ramones, Herostyle etc
Goodfellas, City of God, Batman Begins, Evil Dead series, They Live, Meet the Feebles, Carlito's Way, North Dallas Forty, Abre Los Ojos, Best of Youth, Death Wish 3, Star Wars Trilogy, Total Recall, Mothman Prophecies, Signs, The Incredibles, Withnail and I, etc
Seinfeld, I Love Lucy, The Odd Couple, Twilight Zone, The Office(BBC), St. Elsewhere, Videomatch,The Golden Girls, Hell's Kitchen, Kitchen Nightmares, etc
Wiseguy, Blink, Carter Beats the Devil, Public Enemies, World War Z, I Am Legend, the Terror, The Looming Tower, Live From New York, Private Parts, The Neverending Story, Watchmen, It, The Periodic Table, The Golden Notebook etc
Howard Stern, Herostyle, the Great Adventure, Jose Maria Listorti, Effing Christ(my improv teachers), Porn Stars, Gordon Ramsey