Myspace Layouts at / Dir en Grey - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts at / Dir en Grey - Image Hosting
Music, Games, Mangas and Animes, Japan,
nice people <3..
adopt your own virtual pet!
Your Heart is Yellow and Green
Your heart is caring and generous.
You are kind, understanding, and forgiving.
You bring objectivity and rationality to relationships.
You're good at giving your partner freedom and space.
What Are the Colors of Your Heart?
Dir en Grey, Dèspers Ray, Kageru, Blood, DJ SiSeN, Baal, D, Due le Quartz, An Cafe, The candy spooky theater, Acid Black Cherry, Mucc, Miyavi, Aural Vampire, Gackt, deathman, Calmando Qual, Malize Mizer, Klaha, Alice nine, LArc~en~Ciel, Billy talent, Linkin Park, Rammstein and other...
Ichi The Killer, A Tale of Two Sisters, Battle Royale (I, II), Zatoichi, Kill Bill (I,II),Gremlins (I,II), Harry Potter, Death trance, Final Fantasie *o*, Yaoi and Hentai (XD), Nightmare before Christmas, The Call, Gay movies *hehe*
Queens, One Piece, King of Queens, Water boys
Nana (Hachi desu), One Piece, Perfekt Girl, Death Note, all Shonen ai, Yaoi (muahhaha), Harry Potter, Barry trotter (parody XD), The Ring, Hiebe & Triebe, der Clan der Otori, Liebesspiele der Samurai, DIe Legende des Prinz Genji