Cath profile picture


Man has only one life time, but History can remember him forever...

About Me

My actual avatar is part of Victoria Frances' work. I don't claim any of her work (such as this picture) as mine. If you wanna see more, go and check her website:
(Version française dans la section "interests" XD) I'll write it both in English and in French, cuz I don't know who's gonna read it ^^I'm a 19 years old belgian girl. I live in a mono parental family, with my two little bros (they're twin, so believe me when I say it's not easy everyday). I'm not different than anybody else, just that I'm quite a loner. I don't like a lot of things... XD I've made mistakes in my life... Ones that helped me, and others that didn't...Another part of my life is related to love.. They say it's not easy to find it, but I really thought I did once. He was a friend of mine for years before we told each other our feelings... I shared moments with him... Moments I'll never forget.Then another friend of mine, and he took care of me when I wasn't that good in my life. He caught me when I fell, if I can say. He had a gift. He used to make me laugh, by telling some silly things, just to be sure to see a smile appear on my face. He's been always there for me... He always will.Another thing in a teenager's life is school. I went in a Tourism Section, just because I couldn't make it in maths and sciences... I always prefered the languages courses. Next year I'll live and study at the EII, a faculty to learn and become a translator/interpret. I got my MySpace Layout at

My Interests

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Bon, pour tous ceux qui ne parleraient pas anglais, voici un peu ce que je dis ci-dessus ^^.Je suis une fille de 19 ans, vivant dans une famille mono parentale, avec deux mdkraydlsn de frères (ils sont jumeaux et je n'ai pas de soeurs, je suis l'aînée et ils se plaisent à se liguer contre moi... Pas joyeux tous les jours T_T ). Je suis du genre solitaire IRL, mais pas vraiment quand il est question de rapports amicaux sur internet. C'est plus simple, parce qu'on ne voit pas vraiment la personne à qui l'on cause ^^. J'ai toujours été "à part", à cause de ce que je pensais, de ce que j'étais ou autre, mais je m'en fout XDJe suis une personne qui déteste les cours, en tout cas, ceux que j'ai suivi jusqu'à présent (qualification en Accueil Tourisme). Mais ça va changer. J'adore tout ce qui est culture et différents langages, et je vais commencer des études de traduction dès l'année prochaine, après quoi je quitte mon "chez-moi" ^^...Voilà ce que n'importe qui peut savoir de moi. Si vous voulez en savoir plus, il vous suffit de me contacter, et alors on liera plus ample connaissance ... ou pas XD

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You scored as Catherine Willows, You are Catherine!

Catherine Willows


Al Robbins


Nick Stokes


Warrick Brown


Gil Grissom


Jim Brass


Greg Sanders


Sara Sidle

Which CSI character are you?
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You scored as Catherine, You are most like Catherine! OK, so you may have issues w/ some guys and your parents, but man, are you hot! Your hopes may have been crushed by another person, but that doesn't stop you. Please rate this quiz!





Cpt. Brass









What CSI character are you?
created with


Stephen King, Anne Rice, Torey Hayden


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My Blog

The Final Inspection (poem)

This poem has been written by Sgt Joshua Helterbran. I discovered it while watching an episode of the "Extreme Makeover Home Edition" show (the Rodriguez Family episode), that aired here recently. I j...
Posted by Cath on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 12:49:00 PST

Thank you

Through this post I would like to thank all the people who still bother to send me comments. Most of them are glitters, yet they're done, and you give them to me. You can't even imagine how pleased I ...
Posted by Cath on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 02:13:00 PST

The Hearse Song

Don't you ever laugh as the hearse goes by,For you may be the next to die.They wrap you up in a big white sheetFrom your head down to your feet.They put you in a big black boxAnd cover you up with dir...
Posted by Cath on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 12:49:00 PST

Survey (received by CSI Judy and updated ^^)

NOW ] Current mood: anxious Current music: Whiskey Lullaby Current taste: toasts Current hair: mid-long Current clothes: dark clothes Current annoyance: my bros Current smell: rose Current thing I sh...
Posted by Cath on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 09:43:00 PST

Kereska and CSI :(

Jeez!!! I've just learn (well, half an hour ago, in a matter of fact) that the girl who plays my sis' in one of my RP is just about to go to a CSI exposition... Jee!! I'm freakin' jealous!! I wanna go...
Posted by Cath on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 12:39:00 PST

7x24 Living Doll

What the heck just happened?! Glad they found out who the MCSK finally was, but did they need to scare us about the finale?? Just wondering. CBS didn't need THAT to make sure we come back in what, a f...
Posted by Cath on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 09:01:00 PST