You're the only song I want to hear...
Whiskey priests; scryers; lads of the UK persuasion; someone who can explain the Merovingians without resorting to pop etymology; those who bear striking resemblance to Antonin Artaud, pre-hospitalization; anyone from Boston; someone to play Mage with; people who'll go to team trivia at Tommy Doyle's with me on Tuesdays; boys who watch Chris Marker movies; beleaguered smokers; visionaries; pen-pals; the curious.
sad bastard music
If you're looking for fiction recommendations, StoryCode is Teh Awesome!
Loneliness of A Long-Distance Runner; The Fall; The Man Who Was Thursday; Under a Glass Bell and Collages by Anais Nin (get that Cities of the Interior piffle away from me); Three Christs of Ypsilanti; Crusoe in New York; Notes from Underground; Hitchhiker's Guide to the etc.; Theatre et Son Double; Situationist City; Urban Magick; Lipstick Traces; The Third Policeman (hot! bicycle! action!); Theatre of the Absurd; Hellblazer; Middlesex; Acme Novelty Library; Valis and Time Out of Joint by Philip K Dick; Invasion of the Space Invaders by Martin Amis; Neverwhere, Sandman, and everything by Neil Gaiman besides Stardust (Worst Comic Ever); Book of Lies, the Disinfo Guide to the Occult; Sex and Rockets, the Jack Parsons Story; everything by HP Lovecraft, particularly He; Woyzeck; Valentines Manuals of New York.
Mostly I read in self-defense, in the same way you might, for example, attempt to eat your way out of an avalanche of chocolate pudding.
Between skin and skin, only light. --John Fowles, 'The Magus'