Robin~Heart's Afire profile picture

Robin~Heart's Afire

No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face. ~John Donne

About Me

I'm not SHORT...

I'm currently a military spouse, so that pretty much dominates my life at the moment. I am currently in limbo with life long goals. I'm intelligent and I've found that being such generally presents too many options, so I'm taking my time to figure it out. I'm witty, passionate, and curious all the time...I'm pretty outgoing, and can be bubbly at times. Shhh...Don't tell anyone... When people get to know me, they find out that I have too many sides to try to stereotype me into any specific category. I love life and everything it has to offer! I love to learn, read, watch movies, listen to/play music, and eat, especially since I'm in Europe and able to try so many new things!

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

I'm happily married to a wonderful man who has made all my dreams come true. I'm interested in people with off-the-wall points of view, and an appreciation for all walks of life. I think outside the box, and so appreciate a cynical and dark sense of humor. I like to meet new people, but I'm picky with my friends. It takes a while to be a friend of mine. So if you're up to the challenge, befriend me, and we'll see what happens!

CURRENT MOON moon info


I'll listen to pretty much anything, but it mainly depends on my moods! LOL! I have a large collection of music. I also love to play piano, viola, a few other instruments, and I LOVE to sing!


I'm a bit of a movie buff. I have a pretty big collection of movies as well. I prefer them to TV.


Where are we going, and why are we in this handbasket?


Let's see...I like Anne Rice, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, The Bartemeus Trilogy, etc... I LOVE Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, and I'm so excited that the movie is being made. It's so much better than The Da Vinci Code. I mainly like fantasy and suspense books.


I don't have that many heros, but I think mine would be my husband, and my best friends. They are my inspiration for life, and they are my world. I love you all!

My Blog

Another Survey...

1. Do you know anyone who has gotten an abortion?Unfortunately yes 2. Last awkward moment?Ummm... Been a while.  3. Who do you find yourself crushing on currently?My husband 4. Have you ever fal...
Posted by Robin~Heart's Afire on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 08:15:00 PST

Quote Of The Day...

The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itsel...
Posted by Robin~Heart's Afire on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 07:25:00 PST

One More Survey Before I Get Off Of Here...(Thx Lady of Shadows)

1.What song are you listening to? Write down some of the lyrics.Not listening to a song at the moment.  I know, wierd! 2. What's your middle name?Lynn 3. Would you rather spend a whole day with y...
Posted by Robin~Heart's Afire on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 09:17:00 PST

Just A Fun Survey...

1. Do you bite your lip?Yes, especially when I'm either nervous, or in the throws of ecstasy! LOL! 2. Do you have pictures on your walls ?As a matter of fact, I do!  Jason just bought me three ne...
Posted by Robin~Heart's Afire on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 06:04:00 PST

New Profile...

Put up a new profile, hope you all like it!  I was feeling a tempered lately... LOL!  Anyway, please send comments and let me know how you like my profiles so I know what I shou...
Posted by Robin~Heart's Afire on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 05:10:00 PST

Cool Tarot Reading... (Thx Countess Elizabeth!)

I AmWhich tarot card are you? I looked up a more indepth description of this card, and here's what I got... The MagicianThis is a card of unusual magical powers that has the ability to bring you anyt...
Posted by Robin~Heart's Afire on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 11:38:00 PST

Are We Seeing A Trend Here? LOL!

My score on The Ultimate TRUE IRISH Test: Finn MacCool(You scored 90 Common Sense, 63 Irish Facts, and 86 Irish Soul!) I am honored to be in your presence. You know your stuff. You are Irish in your...
Posted by Robin~Heart's Afire on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 02:08:00 PST

More Quizzes!!!

..> ..> What animal are you? NarwhalYou have a mystical sense of being. You may come off a little frosty at first (narwhals live in cold waters), but once a person gets to know you, they find a sp...
Posted by Robin~Heart's Afire on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 10:04:00 PST

Yeah! Quizzes!!! LOL!

..> ..> What's your Animal Guardian? White Tigeryou are the white tiger: you are very unique, loyal yet one that is not to be trifled with. you will protect everyone and everything around you that...
Posted by Robin~Heart's Afire on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 09:05:00 PST

Wiccan FAQs, As Taken Directly From Wiccan Countess Blog

I'm so glad she posted this, because it explains so much.  Wiccan Countess is very educated in the pagan arts and I'd like to share this FAQ blog for those who have any questions about what Wicca...
Posted by Robin~Heart's Afire on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 06:46:00 PST