Sweet Cheeks profile picture

Sweet Cheeks

L'amico e' come l'ombrello, quando piove non si trova

About Me

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My Interests

Art, Travelling, World cinema, Welsh rugby, Good food, Good company, Nice beaches, Money, Music, Literature, Comics and futuristic cars. WebSite Design & Hosting Packages

I'd like to meet:

A nymphomaniac (preferably female), A quiet librarian (get the phone already!),A short person without an inferiority complex, someone with a toe bigger than Dani's (not gonna happen), the person who invented Crazy Frog (thanks for that),A cheap psychologist (Not really, yes really don't listen to her), my maker (not u mum) & Homer Simpson (you're the shit Homes). If you want to meet me (and my brackets) leave me a Text HereRhys Rhys Rhys Rhys Rhys Rhys Rhys Rhys Rhys Click here to get Falling Objects Rhys Rhys Rhys Rhys Rhys Rhys Rhys Rhys Rhys Rhys Rhys Rhys Rhys Rhys Rhys


The Specials, Sting, Paul Weller, Foo Fighters, Incubus, Zappa, Santana, Busta Rhymes, Mama's and the Papa's, Beach Boys, Silverchair, The Kinks, Stone Roses, Pixies, Tracey Chapman, Prince, Beck, Gorillaz, Hendrix, The Doors, Asian Dub Foundation, Gypsy Kings, Manu Chao, Steve Vai, Jack Johnson, Saul Williams, Sage Francis, Green Day, Faithless, Del Amitri, Beanie Man, Air, Michael Jackson, Hayseed Dixie, Saian Super Crew, Juniper, Sergio Mendes, Charlie Parker, Fats Domino, Luis Armstrong and Vanilla Ice Ice Baby, The Kooks


The Shining, Delicatessen, Amélie, Etre et Avoir, La vita é bella, Le Chiavi di Casa, Non ho paura, Mediterraneo, Kung Fu Hustle, House of the flying daggers, Sin City, Batman Begins, La cité des enfants perdus, Spiderman 2, Anchorman, The Machinist, anything with Jack Nicholson (Easy Rider).


Planet Earth - Sir David Attenborough


The Dark Elf trilogy - R.A.Salvatore, The Hiding Place - Trezza Azzopardi, The Antipope - Robert Ranking, The Dharma Bums - Jack Kerouak, Red Dragon - Thomas Harris, Don Juan - Carlos Castaneda, Dragon - Clive Cussler, Going Postal - Terry Pratchet, Wicked - Gregory Maguire, and anything by Shakespeare/Pinter/Miller

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Che Guevara, Wolverine, Jack Nicholson, Gary Oldman, Richard Taylor, Stanley Kubric, Keith Floyd, Bob Marley, Ray Charles, Paul Weller, Tommy Cooper, Jackson Pollack, the people who sued Mc Donald's, Salvador Dali, The Impressionists and anyone who can make sweet music.

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My Blog

Qualcosa italiana

  Due anni fa ho incontrato una ragazza, Aveva 18 anni e si chiama Sara, Non potevo dimenticare la sua bella faccia, E non posso ancora, perche e un'amica cara.   Non so che mi ama, Per...
Posted by Sweet Cheeks on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 07:44:00 PST

Rhywbeth Cymraeg

    Does gen i ddim syniad, Pam does gen i ddim cariad, Rwyn eitha golygus, Ond rwyn holi yn anwybyddus or faith Bod personoliaeth yn cyfru llawer mwy, Nad oeddwn i wedi sylweddoli o flaen....
Posted by Sweet Cheeks on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 05:03:00 PST

An elegy to the memory of Rich.T

Dickie Taylor laughed in the face of failure, Oh there's a rail now i'm gonna nail ya! So let me hail the big man coz he knew no fear, He loved skating so much that he made it his career.   He ju...
Posted by Sweet Cheeks on Fri, 26 May 2006 06:26:00 PST