Ecopunk, posion free, vegan, hiking, bird watching, DiY, rewilding, jumping off shit, trespassing, loitering, riffs, the mighty 'buch, nuts and berries, trees, shitting in the woods, deep ecology, reading, writing sagas and manifestos, siestas, the Core, conversations, exploration, shows, my friends and family, and doing what I do with no fucking compromise (or working to that). Heckling and mocking bro's. Ze Grain Haus/Ze Grain Flat.
Comrades and conspirators.
These books rock! Watership Down. 1984. His Dark Materials Trilogy. The Road. Heart of Darkness. The Jungle. A Language Older Than Words. Black Elk Speaks. Beyond Civilization. Walden. Desert Solitare. Collapse. Society of Spectacle. Death to the Iron Horse. Huckleberry Finn. Paradise Lost. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. Moby Dick. The Day Philosphy Dies. Many more. If you live in Utah, Creatures of Place, Hiking the Wasatch Front, Plants of Northeastern Utah, and the Black Hawk War are crucial. Zines!
In these dark desperate days. Where control over our lives is fading away. There is no guarantee that an authentic life will ever be seen. We have nothing left to lose. But a vapid presence, a half existence. You held on. To a vision of a world. Of masters without slaves. Against all odds. Unrestrained. Despite despair. I stay inspired. You disrupted that deep apathy within me. Demanding the most out of each moment. You never lived for less. Then your desire. Nothing can stop this expression. Despite despair I stay inspired. What stops us from living? What keeps the gears grinding? As we merge our lives with what we hate. Nothing can lesson the impact. What holds back the authentic? Why do we continue thoughtlessly? What stops us from embracing? Letting nothing obstruct us. From ending what has kept us. From creating. I stay inspired. In this dark desperate moment. You are proof that hope can survive. I have every reason not to give in. Against all odds. Despite despair. I stay inspired.