Everything! Pretty open minded! But to name some things...
people who are nice, caring, compassionate, smart, understanding, trustworthy, cute, talented, artistic, musically talented, vocally talented, history buffs, nerds, funny, loving, goofy, hurt, scared, martial artists, magicians, coffee lovers, tea lovers, skateboarders, longboarders, snowboarders, friendly, open minded, rude (ska terms), rude boys, rude girls, hooligans, boozers, drunks, vegans, SxE, Straight-Edge, drug-free, taggers, artists, tattooers, tattooed, computer geeks, video game nerds, or just about anything you can imagine! I love people! Thats all I gotta say! I give hugs to strangers! Thats just the kind of guy I am! I would put my life in the hands of a stranger if they promised to protect it...I know thats kinda not good...but I am that kind of person...So Basically I want to meet you!
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Lately, I have been into hardcore and I can't seem to get into anything else... but I am fond of just about everything...
I appreciate all music, it is an art form and just like some may not like a particular piece of art or artist they should still respect it... But aside from hardcore I also like Folk, Indie, Emo, Ska, Punk, Psychobilly, Rockabilly, Techno, Metal, and I like most mellow music... When I want to Mosh I will Mosh and Dammit I will Dance Forever and the music Better be Loud and From the Heart... and when I wanna sit back and chill I will dammit!
I kinda have a fetish (not really) for Dark Ska!
Unfortunately, no one else really does! So, Very Little Bands are Dark Ska or SkaCore... I like Music and I will probably play a pretty weird variety of crap if you are with me you better be prepared...
But Some of my all time Favorite Bands off the top of my head would be...
"The Smiths"
"Season of Fire"
"Earth Crisis"
"Good Clean Fun"
"They Might Be Giants"
"Defiance, Ohio"
"The Aquabats"
"Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchesta"
"Streetlight Manifesto"
and way to many others to name....
I'll add others I like when/if I get around to it...
When I listen to music I watch this kid rock out! it makes me laugh so hard.
These Guys Work the Same Way:
Here is some music I have been listening to recently:
[I will put an updated thing here when/if I get around to it]
Funny, Political, Horror, Foreign and Others! I like so many but here are some off the top of my head: Oldboy, Juno, Zeitgeist, Superbad, Knocked-Up, Super troopers, Hot Rod, Napolian Dynamite, Garden State, Party Monster, Saved, Big Fish, Moulin Rouge, Newsies, Rent, I heart Huckabee's, Requiem for a dream, Cannibal The Musical, Pi, Kill Bill 1 & 2, the City of Lost Children, Magnolia, Cube, empire, Metropolis (1927 silent film), Metropolis (Anime), Metropolis (2000 anime), Rushmore.... Too Many to Name! oh... I also like some "Good" Anime (Akira, Grave of the Fireflies, Spirited Away, Ghost in the shell: Stand Alone Complex, FLCL and others!)
Not a fan of the TV, (I DON'T EVEN OWN A TV!) I probably watch tv a few times a month at the most now-a-days... I would rather listen to music and read or watch movies! but when and if I do watch I mainly watch cartoon network's adult swim, the news, the history channel, the discovery channel, TLC, A&E, and comedy central! I loved the "six feet under" series on HBO! I like the series "dexter" on showtime. I also like "mythbusters" and "how it's made"! Oh... and I like the kid's show "yo gabba gabba!" cuz those kids are tight!...
The Cure, The Giver, Ishmael, Animal Farm, the curious incident of the dog in the night time.
America: the book
By: Jon Stewart
The Peoples History of the United States
and any other book
By: Howard Zinn
Lies My Teacher Told Me
and any other book
By: James W. Loewen
The Art Book (a nice pocket book of all the great artists and one work of art by them)
Published By: Phaidon
Tikvah (Children's Book Creators Reflect on Human Rights)
The art of: Shen KU
By: Zeek
Compiled by: Frank Warren
Uncle John's Bathroom reader's (all of them)
Compiled By: The BRI (the Bathroom Readers Institute)
Religions of the world (a latter-day saints view) [still a good read if not LDS]
On My List To Read Next:
The Story of B
and My Ishmael
Both By: Daniel Quinn
and Timequake
Both by: Kurt Vonnegut
Rattling the cage
and Drawing the line
Both by: Steven M. Wise
Animal Liberation
By: Peter Singer
Extra Info About Me:
I am very smart and cute (but not in a conceded love myself way.. more a positive mental attitude way)...I am also vegan...I am very talented...I skateboard...longboard...snowboard...play guitar...I am a black belt in karate...and I am the sweetest most romantic guy ever...I adore girls...I am a gentleman...I am super nice...and very giving...I am very fun to be around...you'll like me...ask anyone one of my friends!
My Photo Site:
My Bands:
http://www.myspace.com/acro http://www.xAcRox.com
The Moon Crickets:
Super Intense!:
I like the bad guys in comic books! fuck heroes!
Some of my favorite Stellar Quotes:
"Cowardice asks the question, 'Is it safe?' Expediency asks the question, 'Is it politic?' Vanity asks the question, 'Is it popular?' But conscience asks the question, 'Is it right?' And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because his conscience tells him that it is right."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Those who claim to care about the well-being of human beings and the preservation of our environment should become vegetarians for that reason alone. They would thereby increase the amount of grain available to feed people elsewhere, reduce pollution, save water and energy, and cease contributing to the clearing of forests.â€
“When non-vegetarians say that ‘human problems come first’ I cannot help wondering what exactly it is that they are doing for human beings that compels them to continue to support the wasteful, ruthless exploitation of farm animals.â€
- Peter Singer, Animal Liberation, 1990.
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