If youd like to hear a preview of the difference my mastering makes visit my website and check out the 'playlist' section -
Mastering is widely misunderstood, often mangled, and sometimes mistaken for mixing. So, what is mastering? It's the audio step that comes just before manufacturing a CD. Some people would even say it's a crucial step.
Once you have finished recording and mixing your songs, the tracks are shaped, sculpted, scooped, equalized, compressed, and finessed into sonic splendor (well, you hope) through the audio process known as mastering. Mastering is what gives depth, punch, clarity and volume to your tracks. It is part science, part craft, and part alchemy. . . just like songwriting, singing, performing and recording.
Take a look at the following links for help with preparing your tracks, these aren't the definative guides, but they are well worth a look if you want to get the best out of this service.
Click here for Musiklab's mastering guide.
Click here for a useful article from
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