Alexient profile picture


Music is well said to be the speech of angels

About Me

What I admire in others and in myself: producing great works and living life to its fullest in spite of being vividly aware of always standing over the gaping maw of Nihilism..... To look Nihilism straight in its face and laugh hard, because one has gotten beyond it, because one possesses the strength to get far, far beyond it.....To play the game of life on one’s own terms, as creator, as divinity realized.
What we take to be reality is but a construct of the brain. The way we ordinarily perceive reality is but one of many ways...there are multiple ways to construct our mental worlds. The exploration of these different modes of consciousness and perception beckons as a liberation into a fuller, deeper understanding of the hidden, underlying reality, of which we are normally only dimly aware of the surface and the shadows.
Within each of us is contained vast stretches of mental space seen only by our own eyes, unable to be communicated verbally to the outside world even if we wanted to. There is something frightening about this, about the vastness and incommunicability of these hidden places.
It is within these hidden places, the most beautiful visual and most enchanting sound are born.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/17/2007
Band Members: Alexient

Birth Date : 21st Febuary
Height : 167cm
Weight : 45kg
Smoke : Viceroy Menthol Light
Interest : Music, Anime, History, Arts, Automobile
Fav. Brand : Louis Vuitton, Thomas Wylde, Bottega Veneta, Chrome Hearts
Fav. Color : Black, Red, Chrome
Fav. Food : Royce
Fav. Anime : Bleach

All music arrangement, composing, sequencing.

Guest artistes :
+ Anna Tsuchiya
+ Kumiko Noma
+ Yuka Katou

"Trees don't fret. They bloom in season, and in times of barrenness raise their leafless limbs in praise to their Maker. Stripped of foliage, they behold the stars shining like brilliant jewels between their branches."

Influences: Mainly japanese animation, game soundtrack and lots of world music (especially Argentina Tango and Latin).

Favourite Artistes/Bands/Musicians/Producers :
+ Anoushka Shankar
+ Astor Piazzolla
+ Atsushi Sakurai
+ Eitetsu Hayashi
+ Gackt
+ George Michael
+ hide
+ Hiroyuki Tsuji
+ John Koviak
+ Jorge Drexler
+ Kanjani 8
+ Kaoru Wada
+ Kuniaki Haishima
+ Marilyn Manson
+ Masahide Sakuma
+ Namco Sound Team
+ Nobuo Uematsu
+ Nujabes
+ Romell Regulacion
+ Seikima II
+ Shiro Sagisu
+ Steve Vai
+ Takahito Eguchi
+ Tsunoe Imahori
+ Ville Valo
+ Yasushi Ishii

Favourite actors
+ Kubozuka Yusuke
+ Yamashita Tomohisa

Favourite models
+ Perish
+ Jordan Krakower

Sounds Like:
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

A Christmas Story

I hurried into the local department store to grab some last minute Christmas gifts. I looked at all the people and grumbled to myself. I would be in here forever and I just had so much to do. Christm...
Posted by Alexient on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 02:19:00 PST


Never before has such a system being released to the magic community. Never before has so much detail been put into one package.   You'll get a complete manuscript, a CD-ROM and a training DVD. ...
Posted by Alexient on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 01:12:00 PST