Zealots of The Bloody Circle (DMD Fan Club) profile picture

Zealots of The Bloody Circle (DMD Fan Club)

It's Time For Blood-Drenched Rock N' Roll!

About Me

We are the Zealots of The Bloody Circle, the fiends belonging to the supermonsters called Diemonsterdie. Diemonsterdie is Salt Lake City's premier Horror Rock band, the undead fiends who have drop-dead looks and killer talent to go with them! Diemonsterdie hails from SLC, with their own record label, Dr. Cyclops Records (see it all at drcyclopsrecords.net!). There's no denying that Diemonsterdie has made their mark on horror rock culture...so join in the madness and let the blood flow! And stay tuned! As all new DMD shows will be posted...as updates arrive! Cd's and Merch are available right now! You may purchase T-shirts, CD's and individual songs ethier through the Fan Club, run by two dead-sexy creeps, Noah Nightmare and Parker Poltergeist...right here at myspace.com/diemonsterdiefiends, at DMD's official myspace page...myspace.com/diemonsterdielives or through ethier worldhorrornetwork.net or drcyclopsrecords.net. Also! Be sure to check out the world's premier Horror Punk site, horror-punks.com! The only place to share and stream horror music from all over the world! And...any of you ghouls interested in new contests from Dr. Cyclops and DMD should definetly check out these pages and not to worry kiddies...new DMD shows will be posted very soon! So, be sure to tell your fellow horror fans about our page...the dead have risen. Spread the word!Buy DIEMONSTERDIE through iTunes!
..DIEMONSTERDIE @ GWAR NOV. 4TH- RED WEDDING DRESS.. width="425" height="350" ....DIEMONSTERDIE @ GWAR NOV. 4TH- DEAD AlIVE.. width="425" height="350" ....

My Interests


Member Since: 4/17/2007
Band Website: horror-punks.com
Band Members:DIEMONSTERDIEZero Delorean- Vocals, GuitarsMeatwhistle- DrumsRavenblades- BassReverend Mercury Rising- Guitars, VocalsTHE GLYPHSMr. Sinister- The Human Ouija BoardHavok- Demon RageThe Zealots of The Bloody CircleNoah NightmareParker Poltergeist

A Message From The Band:DIEMONSTERDIE would like to thank all of our old friends, and all of the new people who will find outr music in the future, there is no stopping us! we did not start this band, to be on the cover of TEEN Beat, or Mtv, and we will do what we do, until it is physically impossible! we have a new album coming later this year entitled" A Great And Terrible Loss" Join Us now, cause you haven't see anything yet!!!!

Sounds Like: Graveyard Shock N' Roll, as performed by the talented undead supermonsters who are DIEMONSTERDIE!

Record Label: Dr. Cyclops Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Greetings Zealots...Noah Nightmare here. Many of you have commented us and messaged us requesting things and explaining to us how great we are. Well we are not 'we'. In other words...this is not the D...
Posted by Zealots of The Bloody Circle (DMD Fan Club) on Fri, 11 May 2007 06:15:00 PST

Lyrics for all three full-length Diemonsterdie albums!

Here they are kiddies the complete Diemonsterdie lyrics...now you can sing along with us at the next show...coming soon....enjoy.HONOR THY DEADWHEN DEAD THINGS RISE AGAINHas our love forever been like...
Posted by Zealots of The Bloody Circle (DMD Fan Club) on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 09:11:00 PST