Arts: Cinema, Painting, Sculpture, Drawing..., History, Science: specially social siences and Psychology, Literature and foremost interesting experiences throughout shared pieces of life that give sense to the whole game
...All those of you who want to share tastes: fine arts, cinema, cuisine, sciences... showing me new ones, good conversations, informations and art... all those of you that will teach me new ways to learn about and enjoy the very taste of life
Quality after all: all sorts of It, lately Rock, Electronic One, Classical and Country, New Tendences
An uncountable amount of those, all sorts. I specially love "Blade Runner" and I recommend, from the lasts, The Fountain: Une bijoux du cinéma
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I love classical ones and History ones, besides those of Psychology and Sociology, Antropology... Parallely I strongly recommend Chuck Palahniuk and George R. R. Martin... also Lewis and Orson Scott Card, GarcÃa Márquez, Unamuno, Gracián, Pérez Galdós and Iberoamerican and Spaniard Poetry: the flavours of a banquet for me !!!
My parents, Jesus, Gandhi, Thomas Moro, Buonarroti, Leonardo, Macchiavelli, Siddharta, and all of those who are generous in teaching us how to live better in community