Drums, Music, cooking, working out, writting, movies, reading, motorcycles, fast cars...fast women....ahahaa What can I say...."I like my Ho's in Stilleto's!!!" *smirk*I'm so kidding, don't get all bent outta shape now!!!!
ON MYSPACE; Anyone that I can get along with and have a good time...a laugh and maybe, just maybe have a heart to heart if necessary, or required or interested for that matter As for MUSICIANS and PORNSTARS; Pretty much anyone that has had an impact in my life or probably on society in some way shape or form when I was growing up really...... I have respect and admiration for people in whatever craft they may do, movies....porn...music engineers, artists...Rockstars.....acrobats......whatever....... race car drivers,if you have touch my soul in some way shape or form through any kind of medium or just in general, I'd love to meet ya! Like Bill Gates..I'd like to meet that fucker.......the internet is a great thing!! LMAO OR MONICA BELLUCCI LMAO Okay so I have a thng for european looking brunettes...go figure. Kinda like my unicorn.....still haven't found it....or HER I should say! ahahhaaa noT TOO MANY WOMEN MAKE SMOKING LOOK THIS GOOD!! and of course EVA GREEN
AC/DC runs in my veins, Black Sabbath,OZZY, BLS, C'MON, Big Wreck, Thornley, Danko Jones, Pantera, Audioslave, Skynyrd, CCR, Motorhead, Led Zeppelin, STP, Motley Crue, VanHalen, The Illuminati, Rob Zombie(White Zombie), Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Anthrax, Silverchair, Alice in Chains, Hendrix, Nirvana, Bon Jovi (yeah that's' right I said BJ), Aerosmith(older stuff) Seether, Tesla, Yngwie Malmsteen, Bulletboys....Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, ZZ Top, I also like House music, Techno, Booty house, dirty house, dark house, Trance, Acid house i.e Carl Cox, Seb Fontaine, Erik Morillo, Bad Boy Bill, Derrek Carter, Ritchie Hawtin, Paul Oakenfold, Mistress Barbara, Anne Savage, Deep Dish, Mark Farrina, Deep Dish, just to name a few....Hell man......the list can go on and on and on.....
Godfather, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction,Death Proof (what can I say I muddafuckin' LOOOOOVE TARANTINO MOVIES!! AHAAAAAA Heat, LOTR, PORN (gots to have it) Any movie with Vampires in it I seem to get drawn to and when that urge stirs inside me Kung Fu movie are in order Fah'kin Classics mate!!!! I just love 'em. Star Wars, Action movies, horror, and some other movies that I can't think of right now. Put it this way almost anything goes when it comes to movies...almost anything. Snuggle up with a lady friend or something....cook up some 'eats' and chill.....add some vino to the mix or a few 'amber cocktails'(the imported kind ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON... pfffffft) mind you I don't have Sundays off too often, I haven't had a sunday off in a loooong time I work eight days a week...so when it somes to chillin' like this... it's the shit for me!! it don't get much better than that huh mate?!? ahahaaa
Whatever I can manage to squeeze in there.... I don't watch too much T.V. I watch the food netwrok more than anything, that's the "chef in me." Besides I work too much to watch T.V. I'm abit of a work horse what can I say... I'd much rather play drums than watch T.V..... or jump on the computer....
I don't read often. When I do, I mostly read biographies of Rock stars or Rock bands, modern drummer or cookbooks.
Myself....LMAO I dunno....Hero is the wrong choice of words for me. I admire people for different attributes and skills in lots of different areas, most of these people have had an impact in our society in some way, shape or form or just on me personally......this weird correlation manifests itself in things I have a passion for or something!! ahahaa but most of the people I admire are mainly musicians, What can I say I love music, but I ain't no fucking groupie!!! LMAOSo this was kinda fun.....maybe we can chat online sometime...?!?CHEERS MATE! *WINK*