digging for vinyl or design books to add to the collection, dropping good music for people to dance and groove to, designing nu fonts and skateboarding.
people that like stuff. Do you like stuff?
Anything that moves you. soul, jazz, hip hop, disco, funk, house, afro beat, deep abstract techno, dub, the clash, the astronauts, stone roses, serge ponsar, ron hardy, perlon, drum & bass, dukes of hamburg, farley jackmaster funk, three chairs, !!!, pershay, antibalis--------------------- too much music to just like one kind.
Human Traffic, Happy Gilmore, Being John Malkovich, Tron, Yeah Right!, Art Bars (Subtitles and Seagulls), and High Fidelity.
simpsons and kids in the hall.
design is kinky, flatnessisgod, bomb the suburbs, eames|vitra, sky-h, dysfunctional, graphic language of neville brody 2, the freedom book, zaha hadid: the complete buildings & projects, faces on the edge.
j-no + c-bn = inspiration!