Right now my main instrest is getting these monsters that are hurting women and children off the streets.
Id like to meet DOG the Bounty Hunter,John Walsh of Americas most wanted basically I would like to meet anyone who wants to try and make this world safer by getting the monsters that are hurting women, children and even the ones who are gay its not right to beat or kill someone because they like the same sex this is a free country and you can like or love who ever you want even if it is the same sex we all need to band together to help put these bad men away!!!
Children of abuse
Recently we have found out about a very tragic case of a innocent baby being hurt by his babysitter. Its a very sad story that made us all open our eyes and remember that there are some very cruel people in this world that will take their anger out on a precious little baby.Of course we know there are people out there that take their anger or whatever issues they have out on adults.
Its to painful to think about the people out their who hurt our children. There are children out there that are victims of all kinds of abuse. And as said as it is alot of the children fall victim to the hands of someone in their family.
After hearing about baby Kaleb I started thinking about all the children we are not told about.The children whos cries are only heard by God.And the children whos parents try to get them the justice the deserve but the system is so screwed up the become victims all over again by the justice system.
I think its time we all pray for the children that are unspoken for.And time for us to start trying to stand up to this so called fair justice system. Because I see nothing fair about the justice system letting these monsters off with a tap on the wrist. No longer is it a slap they have started just tapping them on their wrist and sending them on their way.Back out on the streets where they once again hurt another child. I know judges are suppose to be unbais but how could anyone let someone that is hurting children basically get off almost untouched. Children are suppose to ba taken care of adults and the ones that could actually put them away seem to do nothing at all. What kind of message are we sending these monster that are abusing children when the system just lets them go with a tap on the wrist. NOT A VERY GOOD ONE!!!!
Im going to stop talking about this here because it angers me so much.Just like hearing about a 3 year old being abused by her cousin and he gets off with 2 years probation and doesnt even have to register for him crime. I would like to know if someone like that was living close to me. Im am going to post another bulletin about this and I ask all of you to please take a few seconds and sign and repost this petition. This baby deserves some justice. The kind of justice she should have got the first time around. So if you are tired of the justice system letting people like this off please sign any and all petitions you see where someoen is trying to get justice against the person that has caused harm against them, their children, or anyone they know. It will only take a few seconds of your time and then you will know that you took a stand and tried to help put that person behind bars where he or she belongs.
The only thing that keeps me going is the knowlege of that on that persons JUDGEMENT DAY they will have to answer for what they have done and this time there will be no plea bargin no walking away they will have to pay.
So I ask of you to please pray for all the victims we are told about and arent told about.
I pray to you that you help these children of abuse.Please help all the victims of any kind of abuse.Hold their hand Lord and tell them one day things will get better. Guide them down the path of becoming a survior. No one deserves to be hurt by anyone in any kind of way. Give them the strength Lord to keep fighting.Watch over and protect us all Lord because even though there are some who think the might not need you right now we all do every minute of every day.So please Lord watch over us all and protect us from evil.
In Jesus name I pray,
My heroes are the women who have had the courage to face their attackers and show them that they might have hurt them but they are fighting back and getting justice.Something I wish so much I would have been able to do at the time when I was being abused and raped.