Byl piatkowy ranek. Wcale nie jak co dzien, Paulina chwycila za igle, nitke i material i zaczela szyc. Szyla, szyla, szyla... i uszyla misia, smutnego misia. A potem drugiego, trzeciego... multum misiow. Az reka ja zabolala. A kazdy mis byl inny.
Jesli chcesz przygarnac misia, wejdz na strone: JUZ WYSTARTOWALA!!!:) lub wyslij maila na adres
[email protected]
It was Friday’s morning. Not as usually, Paulina grabbed a needle and a thread and she began to sew. She sewed and sewed and sewed.... And she finally sewed a bear, a blue bear. And then the second one and one another... plenty of blue bears. She sewed until her hand hurt. Every bear was different from the other, but all of them were sad.
If you want to have one of them, visit this website: or send e-mail:
[email protected]