king howard profile picture

king howard

oh no! kaos is on my space

About Me

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MyGen Profile
Create your own Friend Test hereI'm 29 and full of energy. I love were I live.. 10 min from Lake Mead . I own my own home. I do A/C and here in LV it's very demanding . what else to say, I'm just me. Come see for yourself. I promise I won't let ya down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
king howard wants you to check out a photo on MySpace in the My Photos album

we were really happy huh?i miss my girl!

My Interests

sex drugs and rock n roll J/J i love my kids and my r/c cars all of them . i guess im a big kid!!!!! my most fav thing other than that is 4x4ing my jimmy all over stinkin' nev.:)

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I'd like to meet:

adam corolla and his crew they are funny as hell, and of course Al davis of my beloved raiders i wouldnt mind meeting jenna again and actually being able to talk this time:) Weekend of The Stars I met Adam Corolla (pictured above) this weekend as well as the following two people...

Bosstones Dicky & I on stage

Dicky jumped down to do this pic with me
Click HERE to see the video of Dicky jumping off stage to have this photo taken
You can see my arm around his neck and back in the video.. note the hand around his neck in the photo.

Kurt Busch & Lissa


everything from ska to grindcore & everything in the middle BUT NO HIP HOP !!!!!!!!:).. width="425" height="350" ..
Slipknot - All Hope Is Gone lyrics /text


family guy on dvd is the all time, timeless classic:)


.."#FFFFFF"sunday night on fox or every day on espn (sorry ladys):)


anything patricia cornwell wrote or grisham ive read alot:)


the guy that does the herpies comercials J/J!!! MY REAL HEROS ARE REAL MEN THAT PRIDE THEMSELVES IN PROVIDING FOR THERE KIDS! and of course my 3 year old for putting up w/me ha ha:)

My Blog


Hey my little brother-in-law fell off a balcony and is in a coma, HE NEEDS YOUR PRAYERS! His name is Brian Bronder Jr. He just got out of surgery to remove all the bone fragments from his brain. PLEAS...
Posted by king howard on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 05:29:00 PST

r/c cars

i plan in the very close future to start posting a fatass blog in this place of all the latestr/c action going on in the vegas area, i will also have links to the two best hobbie stores here in the ar...
Posted by king howard on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 01:41:00 PST