guitarzan profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

Puter Geek by day, Geetar Geek by night

My Interests

music,computers,beer,women,camping,football,skateboarding,fr ee tv,movies not necessarily in that order

I'd like to meet:

hot chicks with money :P


like to hear all kinds of music. Music I would choose to listen to:Hendrix,VanHalen,TheWho,PeteTownshend,Beatles,Stones,Parl iment,Bootsy,KingsX,Foo Fighters,Korn,Ozzy,Mothers Finest,Jimmie Eat World,first 2 Pretenders albums, R.C. Mob,311,old Chili Peppers,Stevie Wonder, Earth,Wind,and Fire,Alice In Chains,Dave Cantrell,Beasties,Cheap Trick,Seal,Jeff Beck,Prince,The Police,Sting's first 2 albums,Rage Against The Machine,Audioslave,Sevendust,STP,many many more


Office Space,any Farelly Bros., any Kevin Smith, horror,sci-fi,comedy,etc. I love movies.Here's me in the Bodyguard. I'm the dork with the bad perm. Don't blink or you'll miss me.


The Simpsons, reality tv licks ballz


Owner's manuals,magazines that come in brown wrappers,billboards,progam guides


Homer Simpson,Charlie Brown,Mr. Methane,Al Bundy and this guy.....