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About Me

Hi everyone! Welcome to my private myspace site :-) My name is Karolina Anna Maria Antosik.I am 25 years old, full of joy girl. I live in Poznan in Poland. From my childhood I set to work up many things connecting with art, music and acting. From almost 15 years I am writting my own lyrics and poetry. I am trying also compose music to my lyrics. My hobby is dancing, signing, writting lyrics and poetry, football, books, music, going to the cinema, table tennis, acting.This last takes a special part in my heart, cause already as a little girl I loved to performance on the stage.As a child I took part in many singing competition cause my second big passion always was singing. When I was in elementary school I started to sing in two choirs.I played with them many different concerts both in my family city Poznan and in many places in all Poland. My musical passion I could develope also in music school where I started to play piano.On the other hand my dancing skils I could develope in local club where I took dancing lessons.In this time I also started to attend in school theatre where I was developing my theatre passion. This all things made that I developed like a person.In june 2000 year I performanced with many young people from my family city in clip the band R'N'G - "Are you ready" . When I was in high school I performanced in the background like a one of member greek choir in the scene of Polish Theatre in Poznan.It was amazing feeling to me. Today I am trying to continue this all things they are still my big passions. In this year I've start to learn modern dancing at awesome and fantastic choreographer Jameela in street jazz style in Dance Academy in Poznan. Soon I will be play also in new jazz adaptation show "song under songs" direct by Anna Szymczak. I am connecting with MplusM theatre in Poznań and from this year I am also connecting with studio ABM.Now I wonder what these New Year 2008 will bring me this time :-)lots of love/KarolinaMarie and Anorah sayin'hi!!!

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My Interests

music, theatre , films, acting, signing, dancing( lately belly dancing and modern dancing),playing piano, books, poetry, philosophy, travelling, watching football ( my favourite team is Juventus .

I'd like to meet:

people with passion ... I concider that everyone who meet in your life teach you something new.


different from classic to rock (eg. Grieg, Marie Serneholt, Lacuna Coil, Tori Amos, Korn, Adema,Ace of base, Evenesance, Portishead, Nelly Furtado, Chet Baker,Frank Sinatra,Justin Timberlake, Vanessa Mae,Sia,Madonna,Everlast,Staind,Hey,Abba,Joe Cocker, Anorah, Timbaland, Madonna,Sia and many many other) My favoursite last top are: Chet Baker " My funny valentine" Anorah - Cindy Marie Serneholt "Beyond tonight" Sia - don't bring me down Leona Lewis "bleeding love"


"Lucky number slevin"( I can watch them every day.I love this movie), "Good will hunting","Juno", "Sin city","The nanny in NY", "Kill Bill vol.1", "Fair", "Cruel intententions","scream","Little miss sunshine", "dirty dancing", "step up", " 8mm", "fucking amal"


"Prison break", "friends", "Dexter", "six feet under", "californication", "runaway"


"Godfather" Mario Puzo, "samotnosc w sieci" Janusz.L.Wisniewski, "Dzuma" Albet Camus, "Zlo" Jan Guillou ,Truman Capote "Breakfast at Tiffany's ( Holly Golghtly is one of my favourite female booking charcter),Ami Sakurai "inosento warudo", James Ellroy " The black dahlia", "the shadows of the wind" Carlos Ruiz Zafon, "Afterdark" H. Murakami, "the people's act of love" J.Meek and more another - I really love reading books


My parents.They always support me in evrything that I did and I am still doing.And my sister that she is the best gift that I ever received.

My Blog

Hugo, dance and Anorah house :-)

Hi everyone I am still little sad but from few days in my home lives new sweet little bird Hugo.You can see him in my gallery pictures :-) By the way from saturday I'll be spend more time in dance stu...
Posted by Karolina on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 03:58:00 PST


Hi everybody   I am depressed. My canary Fred died. After 7 years I lost my flying friend.Life it will be not the same after him. I can accept this. I can’t stop crying.I loved him so much....
Posted by Karolina on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 09:17:00 PST

nordea bank - casting

Hi everyone Last days I spent preparing to second part of my driving license exam. I have them on monday and I  nervous from this reason. I have no idea that exam can be so stressfull. On thuersd...
Posted by Karolina on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 08:17:00 PST

Casting to a play

Hi everyone, I am back.Last days I spent in med cause I was ill. Now I am healthy and I am back to the life :-) About two weeks ago I had casting to a play "Tartuffe" written by Moliere and I am in th...
Posted by Karolina on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 10:39:00 PST


Hi everyone, some hours ago I read that Heath Leger died. I was and I am still shock.Really shock. I wept when I read this. He was so young ... Almost in my age...Lately i read too many about suicide ...
Posted by Karolina on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 11:41:00 PST

Crazy and happy monday

Hi everyone I had really hard and crazy weekend cause most of them I had to spent learning to my last and the most important exam at University. I had to "defend" ( i have no idea in what way I can tr...
Posted by Karolina on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 11:11:00 PST

Anorah in Denmark, theoretical exam for DL

Hi everyone Yesterday I passed my theoretical exam for driving license. Hurrrrra :-) I am so happy for this.Soon on march I'll be have practice exam.I hope that everything will be great. On saturday 1...
Posted by Karolina on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 10:56:00 PST

Merry Christmas

Hello I want to wish you all of you Merry Christmas, great New Year;s Eve party and wonderfull, crazy and awesome New Year 2008. Wish you all your new years wishing and dreams will come true lots of l...
Posted by Karolina on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 11:47:00 PST

Anorah, Song under songs, record

Hi everyone, I have really fantastic weekend. I have no idea from what I should start talking .Yesterday I received mail from Samuel about ability to buy new songs wonderfull, amzing, sweden voca...
Posted by Karolina on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 01:04:00 PST

I am busy

Hi , I know that I didn't write here from long time but lately I was really busy( and still I am) .On friday I'll start "general" reahears to "song under songs" (This show that I'll play live soo...
Posted by Karolina on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 01:22:00 PST