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Portland has a great music scene, so many killer Punker, Metal, Hardcore, Grindcore, Applecore(?), dance and whatever bands...portland also has a lot more music going on than what the Mercury prints. PC-PDX.com is here to be the definitive Portland Show Guide, listing every band at every venue, every house party and every drunken pirate ho-down in town. Bar shows are easier to promote but there are a lot of all ages gigs and house shows going out with no word. Unless you check a bands myspace every week, your likely to miss a good one. Fuck That! We're putting together a rad show list, updated pretty much daily, Anyone can submit any local show , anywhere: house or a club, we'll put the word out and build the p-town scene.
PDX kind of sucks for the under 21 crowd so be sure to get those all ages shows listed.
The Altarboys, Red Dons, Swan Island, Monster Sized Monsters, Pornstore Janitor, Clorox Girls, Observers, Plan R, Wet Confetti, Riot Cop, Rum Runners, 800 Octane, Accidental Gun Death, All Bets On Death, My New Vice, Autistic Youth, Forced March, Pocket Sized Surgeons, The Pussy Pirates, The Vicious..
You might have been marked on the map.. it only pegs every 50th visitor or so...