makin' moves
prussian blue... the teen pop sensation
i have been listening to so much soft rock lately, it would blow your mind. or maybe not.
crumb, braindead, wet hot american summer, easy rider, addio zio tom, michael jackson's 'moonwalker', cannibal holocaust, any misty mundae. and i'm a sucker for any movie involving two families with large numbers of children getting together for a humorously awkward yet ultimately humbling and emotionally uplifting bonding experience.
what will we do later on when the butter runs out?
and so you were reading this book and it was the BESTEST book you've ever read! you readed it and you readed it again, and EVERY TIME the words just got wordier and wordier! all of a gosh darn sudden, you found yourself in LOVE with this book! its luscious descriptions of life... YOUR life... things you can relate to. things that make you stay up at night, sober and awake. it has pages and pages of words and word-images, and soon you find yourself to be SMARTER than everyone else! spinach for the brain! your sentence structure is IMPECCABLE! you have actual ideas running through your mind, back and forth, forth and back, and these ideas (bundles of energy) eventually meet up with your speech centers and pop out of your mouth like so many wet farts or oatmeal burps. 'language!' you say. 'human genius!' you say. but nothing can change the fact that you still have wet broccoli farts pouring out of your mouth. you feel as though you must put a stop to this (how else will you meet other human beings?!?), so you buy some periodicals and a pack of gum and wait for inspiration to strike on its own. and here we are, 10 years down the road, still a gaseous little fuck with no friends and a horrible inferiority complex. shoulda watched more mtv... mtv.... mtv......
rodd keith, oklahoma monday, christopher cross