Yurguis profile picture


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About Me

Hey friends; I decided to be a member and start looking for my good old people from Cuba that I have not seen in years, and obvioulsy to keep track of my wife's friends in mySpace, totally kidding there. Nada que si me conoces o conocistes alguna vez, por favor trata de comunicarte conmigo, y si eres de la gente del Pre "Valle Rojo" o "Raquel Perez" me encantaría saber de ti. La gente del Varona, si me ven y no me incluyen como un amigo me voy a tener que acordar de su progenitora, de buena fe claro.

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / El che guevara

My Interests

Me encantaria saber de mi gente linda en todo el mundo que se hay unos cuantos regados por ahi.


I love music in general but what can I say: KARAMBA ES LA BANDA QUE ME LLENA LA VIDA.


All of them, even the bad ones.


Huge fan; History Channel and Discovery are part of my T.V life.


los que me enganchan desde el comienzo, no doy título de libro o autor pues son unos cuántos.


All those who have been and will be part of my life.

My Blog

New toys, yeii!

So we got new cell phones today. It is a step foward I guess, considering the shitty one we had. We can say we are growing up in the technology world; we did it with Sprint by the way BUT we are not a...
Posted by Yurguis on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 11:34:00 PST